They sat at the kitchen table pouring over the wedding plans and pictures. They found the perfect spot by the willow tree to have the ceremony at. They would set up chairs in rows. Natalie and Kathryn would both wear dresses. Natalie and Caleb were still looking over the plans when Kathryn came in the back door. They looked at each other and their love filled the room. Caleb felt like he was being smothered in it.  

        "Ladies, I think that is my cue to leave." 

        They half-heartedly protested because they wanted alone time but they didn't want Caleb to feel left out or lonely.  

        "Don't worry about it. I'm going to go home and work. I have a hearing pretty soon that I need to prepare for anyway. As always ladies, it was lovely hanging out with you."  

        Caleb took his leave. He walked briskly down the hallway and out the front door. He stopped on the porch and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he did so. He didn't see anyone approach him and when he opened his eyes and saw Kevin.  

        "Kevin. I didn't hear you . How are you?" 

        "Not much. I just wanted to know if you want to get a drink." 

        Caleb blinked, taken by surprise. If he didn't know any better, it sounded like he was asking him out. 

         "I can't, Kevin. I have to study my notes for this hearing comin' up." 

        Kevin smirked and stepped closer, his feet touching Caleb's. His hand went up to caress Caleb's cheek. Caleb's eyes widened and he gasped. 

        "Caleb I-" 

        Kevin sighed and backed away. 

        "I'll walk you to your car." 

         They walked silently to Caleb's truck, the only noise were the animals and footsteps. It got dark quicker than he thought it would and all they had to lead them were the lights from the house. Caleb reached his door and unlocked it but before he could get inside he was pushed against the jeep roughly. 

        He lifted his head, ready to yell at Kevin but he found lips shoved against his. He struggled. His arms pushed against Kevin's chest but he was no match for the man that could wrestle cow to the ground. He flinched when he felt Kevin's fingers wrap around his wrist and hold it against the truck above his head. The last thing he felt before Kevin was ripped from him was a hand harshly gripping his ass.  

        Caleb wrapped his arms around himself and closed his eyes tight. Gritting his teeth, he fell to the ground. He felt arms wrap around him and he flinched away, only to have the arms pull him against the hard chest. Caleb struggled to regulate his breathing and after five or so minutes he didn't feel like passing out anymore. 

        He looked up and his eyes widened with chock.  

        Luke was holding him, his head resting on Caleb's. His eyes were closed and he looked like he was in pain. 


        He opened his eyes and looked down at Caleb. 

        "Caleb. I'm sorry that happened to you." 

        "Don't be. It was my fault for being careless-" 


        Caleb quieted fast and continued to stare at Luke. 

        "I'm sorry, Luke. I know you hate me but thank you." 

         Luke looked up at the sky, staring at the moon. 

        "Don't apologize. I don't hate you but I'm confused. I just- I thought you hated me and I can't be friends with you if you hate me because I'm gay." 

        Caleb looked at Luke and laughed. He missed the look in Luke's eyes as he pulled himself free of Caleb. 

        "Luke I don't hate you because you're gay. Hell, I don't hate you at all." 

Shock filtered onto Luke's face. 


        "I don't hate you, Luke. I hate that you felt like you couldn't tell me what was going on with you. I'm your best friend, or I was, you should've told me sooner." 

        They chuckled at their foolishness. 

        "Wow, I feel stupid." 

        "Yeah, you are." 

        Luke pushed Caleb and he fell backwards. It was just like old times and if felt good. They would never admit to each other how much they missed their friend, but they knew that they would always be able to count on him.


A/N: So I have a surprise for everyone! Duh-duh-duh!!!!!! *that was supposed to be trumpets* lol. I've decided to write a second book! YAY! This is not the end of this one, BUT I have decided to write a second one centered on Luke and Caleb! YAY!!!! XD ^_^ I'm SOOO EXCITED!!!!! LOL!

I loved writing about them so much and I had so many ideas while writing about them that I want to give them their own book because they deserve it. XD XD XD

And once again, I changed the name to Natalie! XD

Happy Readings!!!!!


P.S. I tried to edit but I wasn't feeling it so I'll do it later. LOL!

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