"Raised by Wolves"

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The show went really well, I thought. We opened with Raised by Wolves and watched as the croud went fucking crazy. Then we played Pick Up The Phone, Don't Mess With Ouija Boards, Sink or Swim, I'm Not a Vampire and Goodbye Graceful before Ronnie stopped to talk to the croud. My heart swelled through each song, watching him move across the stage almost magestically, the stance he took when he screamed, the way his leather jeans had started sliding down and you could see the top of his ass, the way he gleamed wth sweat and when he turned around, his hair was matted to his head. I smiled at him and he smiled back, and I noticed the gleam in his eye, the same one he had when he told me he loved me, and it told me that right now, he was happy as could be. 

"So, I'm gonna be honest with you guys. I got in a bit of an...accident yesterday." He said, turning around and winking at me. I blushed. The croud reacted with shouted words of concern, and he quieted them down.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I jus thought you might wanna see my...battle wounds." he said in a silky smooth voice. The croud cheered and he turned around so he was facing me before pulling his shirt off over his head. The croud gasped and were quiet for a moment. 

"The fuck?" someone cried. Ronnie only chuckled and threw his shirt into the croud, hearing excited screams as someone caught it. He put one leg up on the amp and though he wasn't facing me, I knew he was giving them his crooked smile.

"So, last night I had the best sex of my life with someone in this room." he said casually, and I felt my heart race.  The croud roared with anticipation. He chuckled. 

"I'm gonna be blunt. It was NOT anyone in the audience." he announced, shrugging. The croud screamed as they realised that Ronnie must be talking about one of us.

"That's right, motherfuckers. Last night, I fucked the ass off of Ryan Seaman." he shouted. The noise that came from the audience was one that I'd never heard before. It was the loudest, most exuberant cheer I'd ever heard, and my heart swelled. The fans approved.

"...Literally." Ronnie said, turning and winking at me. I blushed again.  I knew the fans were expecting something, so I got up and walked slowly over to Ronnie. The anticipation coming from the croud was almost tangible.  Ronnie turned around and walked towards me, meeting me halfway. 

"Kiss me you fucking animal." I shouted into the mic before grabbing his face and pulling it violently to mine. I softened my grip on his face and held his cheek softly. I wrapped one of my arms gently around his waist as he wound his arms around mine. The audience was screaming so loudly, the air around us seemed so vibrate. I felt him smile under my lips. We pulled away eventually. 

"Get back behind that kit, dumbass." he said, pointing to the drums. I bowed mockingly and walked backwards. 

"Okay, guys, here's our last song. Before we play, thank you all for coming tonight. Thank you all for being there for me. You guys are seriously awesome and I love each and every one of you so much." he said, blowing a kiss. He grabbed his mic and we played the final song. The Drug in Me is You. Halfway through the song he casually slipped "The drug in me is Ryan" into the lyrics, earning him a loud, harmonious cheer from the croud. At the end of the song, he bowed formally and the lights went out. We waited a couple of minutes for the applause to end before we walked off stage. Usually, we'd have done an encore, but we were on a tight schedual, so we really needed to get going. Each of the bandmembers commended Ronnie on his performance, as usual. We found it was best to keep his confidence as high as possible. I walked next to him and made to grab his hand, but he slipped it smoothly out of mine. I shrugged it off and carried on walking. We didn't chill out like we usually would have backstage, we just grabbed our shit and left. We walked through the sea of fans, but this journey wasn't as good as the one before. Ronnie barely stopped to sign anything, and he got to the bus much quicker than we did. We all saw his impatient expression and hurried up. Jacky and I shared a look. 

"YOU TWO OKAY?" he called over the sounds of the croud. I shrugged. I thought we were. We stepped inside the bus and I immedietly pulled Ronnie to the side. 

"Dude, are you okay?" I asked. I was so confused, why had his mood changed so quickly.

"Yep." he answered curtly and went to walk away, but I pulled him back.

"Obviously not. What's wrong?"  



"Dude, nothing."

"Ronnie, come on. I know there's something up."

"Stop fucking suffocating me." he said darkly. I stepped back a bit, shocked by his sudden coldness. He bit his lip and looked down, squeezing his eyes together.

"Look, man, I'm sorry. It's just...I think we should talk." he said, his eyes never leaving the floor. My stomach twisted in knots and my heart dropped. Oh shit. I tried to compose myself.

"Oh, yeah sure." I said, trying to be casual, but my voice shook. He smiled weakly and walked ahead of me into the bedroom. 

Raised by Ronnie.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя