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By the first of November, the Prophet's headlines were all along the lines of today's: "Baby Malfoy Update - will s/he be the next Dumbledore? Godmother Discusses Baby Plans.
Miss Pansy Parkinson had a lovely sit down with none other than Rita Skeeter to discuss the newest member of the esteemed Malfoy line. 'Draco and Hermione have discussed names already, and other than a few dozen changes to the nursery they are both very excited for the baby. She still has a great deal of time to go, but I can honestly say that there isn't a father-to-be that is as excited as Draco.'"

"Draco this really is a lovely story today. Pansy did a great job working Skeeter." I sip my morning tea seated at the breakfast table with Draco as he looked over some items for what I presume is work.

"What are you wearing for the Christmas party? Have you chosen anything yet?" He responds, barely looking up yet giving me a slight smile.

"Well for one, I don't know how big I will be by the time the party comes along. I don't want to buy something way too big or too small. So no. I'm waiting until next month at least."

He nods. "Can you tell me what an 'Ugly Sweater Party' is?" He hands me the invitation to the Zabini Christmas party and I start laughing.

"Pansy." I keep laughing. "She really did it. It is what it says. You wear an ugly Christmas themed sweater. The uglier the better."

He blinked a couple times. "So it is supposed to be ugly? Like clashing or what?"

"The tackier the better. Some people do blinking lights, glitter, really really obnoxious stuff. I think I'll do something with the baby... maybe a snowman or Santa's jolly belly. It is big in the Muggle world, so we may want to make a trip to Muggle London."

"As long as you feel up to it. Remember you have your appointment today."

I stand up, lean over and kiss him on the cheek. We may not be where the Prophet thinks we are in our relationship, but we are quickly approaching it. "I couldn't forget even if I tried. I have you, Ginny, Pansy, Harry, and this one reminding me."

He beams as he rubs my swollen belly. "This little one will be the brightest of his or her age. Oh is there anything you want me to bring you before your appointment? Or should I just wait for your owl?" He kids and I smirk at him. Daily I have been owling the elves and him my most recent cravings - be it dijon mustard covered strawberries, blue cheese dressing (which I normally despise) on a burger with extra pickles and tomatoes, to waking up at 2 am wanting a medium rare porterhouse steak with creamed spinach and a baked potato (yeah, that happened).

"Wait for the owl... but I'm leaning towards coq au vin with vanilla ice cream."

He smiles as his chin drops to his chest. "Are we sure this kid isn't a Malfoy?" he laughs. "He or she definitely has the Malfoy taste. I'll make sure it is on the menu tonight and I'll see you at 11:15. Sound good?"

"Can we get Chinese before the appointment?"

He's laughing again. I just had breakfast consisting of French toast with strawberries and whipped cream (dijon mustard does not go with French toast according to the baby though it was in a dipping cup just in case), eggs benedict, hash browns and bacon and am already dreaming about lunch and dinner options. "Fine. Of course. Whatever you and the baby want." He stands up taking me in his arms, laying my head on his chest as much as possible. "You slept well last night. Although this one and I might need to have a long talk about their future in gymnastics. I watched the belly do what I thought was somersaults."

"Probably just showing off for daddy." I beam. I did finally move into his suite last week and he has been perfect. There have been nights where I just couldn't get comfortable, but then he had a special 'nest' as he calls it of pillows around me. When that didn't work he curled up behind me and just rubbed my abdomen until the baby and I were both asleep. "This one seems to have many talents, not just an over abundance of magical talents." The baby also has become very keen on when we both read to him or her. The two of us, nightly in the library with a book or theory of the day. It is the one time of the day that the baby is sure to be resting. Draco usually has one of his arms around me, while rubbing my swollen belly with the other as we take turns reading different magical texts to the baby. "Honestly, I am dreading that first magical outburst because I think we won't be leaving St Mungo's before it happens."

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