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Each member of the foursome was excited for the arrival of the little Malfoy baby, and it all but showed as I was starting to show as the weeks progressed. We tossed the 'nasty excuse for tea' as Draco called it, after a month at the Manor with no signs of queasiness on my part.

"The baby knows where his or her home is," was Draco's constant reasoning for my non-sickness while at the Manor. Anyplace else it was a crap shoot if I would be sick or not.

Work went well, with Harry hovering over me as much as possible. There were days where I threatened to go to the Minister if he didn't remove himself from my office. I tried using Ginny as an out, only to have both of them plant themselves in my office on those days. People would look at me with a confused look, wondering why the boy-who-lived seemed to be living in my office. I just took it in stride. The last child Harry was godparent to, ended up being an orphan and is now living with them full time. I doubt that he wants that same outcome for this child.

"'Mione, you know you will have to change your style of formal dresses soon," Ginny pesters me one warm September afternoon on my lunch break outside my office for a change. "Those form fitting numbers that a certain suitor likes are going to start getting a little tighter very soon."

"We could always put her in something along the lines of an A line," Pansy chimed in. "And for Draco's Christmas party, there'll be no hiding it so we can go back to a form fitting, albeit stretchy, number."

"Why do I even allow either of you to join me? And together, you probably have my wardrobe already chosen for the next few months," I lament.

"You need a whole new wardrobe in less than a few months, more like a matter of weeks. We need to start looking now," Ginny chimed, all too happily. She is always one to find any excuse to shop.

"Do you know the theme of Draco's Christmas Party this year? That way we can get a jump start on that dress at least," Pansy quipped, making me think that she is asking more for herself than me. "You need to look perfect since you will be the hostess, officially or unofficially."

"Dickens Christmas, color scheme is not surprisingly - silver and green," I bemoan. It may be early September, but Draco is in full Christmas mode. "He says if anyone complains, that they need to take it up with me because he got the idea from my birthday present."

"I love it!" exclaimed Ginny. "It is so you both. I am just grateful that it won't be some ridiculous 'ugly sweater' party or something."

"Draco? In an ugly sweater?" Pansy was laughing at the idea. "That would be a sight to see. Oh maybe that should be the theme for Blaise's party. You know you and Potter will be invited, red. Now that you are in our little group. I hope you don't mind us Slytherins too much."

I groan because I realize I also will be attending these other Slytherin Christmas parties. But Ginny, she starts giggling. And giggling more. Until she is laughing so hard I don't know how she's breathing. "Ginny? Do I need to call Harry?"

She shakes her head, "No," she gasps. "I am just picturing Blaise, Draco, and you Pansy at the Weasley Christmas party. Since we're hosting this year."

The look on Pansy's face was priceless. She turned an unhealthy shade of green, probably thinking of all the red and gold that would be engulfing her around the Gryffindor themed Weasley holiday party.

Oh crap, it was supposed to be Ron and me hosting this year, but that fell on it's arse. "Thanks Gin for picking it up. I totally forgot."

"Don't mention it. Ron was very happy to get out of it this year. He said it was your thing, not his and since his girlfriend is 'predisposed' at the time," complete with air quotes, "he thought it best that we 'swap' years." Honestly I doubt that Ron will host next year either. Or ever. Parties, even family parties, were never his thing. Attending and eating, that was his thing and practically all he did during them.

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