So We Meet Again, Chapter Two

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At the local store

At the tavern

At the cross country corse

At the trail

Just around town

"Goddammit!" Carrie hit her glass against the table, dipping her hat down to cover her eyes. Her long brown hair was in a low ponytail, she adjusted her jean jacket, twiddling her thumbs. "So we meet again, Ms. Underwood" The all too familiar voice stated.

"Why am I seeing you everywhere?!" Carrie shouted, slamming her hands on the counter. Axel stepped up close to her, sliding his hand against the counter until his chest was almost touching hers. "Maybe we were just destined to be, Sugar." He smirked. "As if-" Carrie breathed, her breath reeking of alcohol. Axel took a step back, arching an eyebrow. "Careful, darlin'. If y'all get drunk something bad could happen~" He purred.

The bartender stood there, kinda just- ya he went back to work.

"Careful pretty boy." Carrie snarled, putting a bag of coins on the table. She pushed Axel away, walking out of the tavern. Of course, he followed after her. "Aw Sugar, can't we just have a civilized conversation, get to know each other?" He asked, taking a hold onto Carrie's wrist. "If you weren't such a seductive flirt, then maybe!" She shouted. Axel pulled Carrie close, having a tight hold on her wrist. His blue eyes meeting Carries. She had to admit, his build, the way his hair looked, the blue eyes, he was sexy as hell... but she wouldn't admit it.

"How can I not flirt with someone I want?" Axel hissed, his mischievous smirk appearing. Carrie felt a thud in a chest, her eyes wide. Yanking her wrist back, she took a step back. "I could shout rape and have you arrested." She smirked, walking over to where her horse, River, was tied. She untied him and hoisted herself onto the saddle. "But since you look hot, I don't want to get you arrested." Carrie tipped her hat, grinning. "See ya round, pretty boy." She stated before trotting off.

Axel watched her disappear from his grasp- dammit, again. He just wanted to reach out and grab her. Tell her that she infuriated him, and that he was confused with his emotions because of her. Running a hand through his hair, he walked back into the tavern, sitting at the bar. He listened to some nearby people. "Have you heard? The Mysterious are playing tonight!" A girl said excitedly, looking at her friends. "Really? Where!" One pitched in. "Here!"

Axel scratches his head. Famous band? What if Carrie came? That could be cool, no? "They're so cool!" Another squealed as they payed the bartender. Axel tapped his fingers together, perfect. He'd come here, search for Carrie, and tell her. It had been a week since their first encounter, should be normal, no?

Soon, it was around seven. Carrie did her make up and put on a pretty revealing outfit. It was a sleeveless corset basically that covered her chest. It was sparkly gold and black. She placed her cowboy hat on, tipping it to cover most of her face. She was ready, for her show tonight.

She arrived an hour early, hoping off River. She tied him behind the tavern, seeing her bandmates. The girl used to have a crush on her drummer, but he had gotten married recently so her hopes and dreams were crushed- "ya'll ready for the show tonight?" She asked, brushing some brown hair over her shoulder.

Her drummer, Bruce, nodded. "Indeed. We got everything set up, all we need is to look over our music." He said. Carrie nodded, grabbing her lyric book, full of so many ideas. While the boys looked over their music, Carrie looked over her lyrics.. "Right now, he's probably slow dancin' with a bleach blonde tramp and she's probably gettin' frisky.." The girl whispered to herself. Pacing slightly, she read through her lyrics.

An hour had passed.

Carrie could hear commotion going on inside the tavern. Her band members finished looking over their music and stood up. "The shows gonna begin, we'll see you inside." Eric said, her guitarist. The owner of the tavern announced them, and just as they did the boys came on. The owner said a few more things before exiting off stage. After a few moments, the band started playing the beat to "Before He Cheats" (original song goes to Carrie Underwood- ok this is basically a fan comic to her lmao Shush)

Carrie took a breath before grabbing the mic. She hurried around to the front door as she waited for cue, once it hit, she crashed in through the door. "Right now, he's probably slow dancin' with a bleach blonde tramp an she's probably gettin' frisky" she sang, starting to walk through the crowd.

"Right now, he's probably buying her some fruity little drink cause she can't shoot-a whiskey~" she stopped in front of a male, lifting his chin before releasing it. Having the hat covering her eyes, she couldn't tell that the male, had been Axel. "Right now! He's probably up behind her with a pool-stick showing her how to shoot a combo~ oh and he don't know-!" She made it to the stage, stomping her foot down-

"That I dug my KEY into the side of his pretty little souped up four-wheel-drive! Carved my name into his leather seeeeeeeeeats~!" Carrie felt her heart pounding as she sang. "I took a Louisville slugger to BOTH HEADLIGHTS! Slashed a hole in ALL FOUR TIRES~ maybe next time he'll think- before he... cheats."

Axel watched the female on stage, unaware that it was Carrie. Some guys glanced at him because of his interaction with the singer they all loved. He looked around, trying to see if Carrie was here. He paced around, things going a bit Wilde once she made it to the chorus again.

"Carrie??" Axel called out, looking around.

"I might've saved a little trouble for the next girl!"

Axel continued walking around, stumbling over his feet until he found him at the base of the stage. He looked up—

"Cause the next time that he cheaaaats~"

That is when Carrie and Axel met gazes. He saw the glint in her grey eyes, and she saw the twinkle in his blue eyes. She grinned,

"oh you know it won't be on... me... no, not on me...." Carrie paused~

"BECAUSE I DUG MY KEY INTO THE SIDE, OF HIS PRETTY LITTLE SOUPED UP FOR WHEEL DRIVE!" Carrie looked around at the audience, "CARVED MY NAME INTO HIS LEATHER SEEEEEATS!" She took the mic off the stand, pacing around the stage, pushing all her raging and excited emotions into the song. "TOOK A LOUISVILLE SLUGGER TO BOTH HEAD LIGHTS! SLASHED A HOLE IN ALL FOUR TIRES~"

She took a breath, looking around, her gaze falling on Axel, "Maybe next time he'll think~ before heeee... cheats..."

And soon, the crowd went wild. Carrie was panting, her gaze fixated on Axel, and his fixated on hers in surprise.

What.. just.. happened?

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