"Oh. Yeah, well, anyway, the date went really well and everything!"

"Great. Now could I please have my book back? You should probably get ready for bed before it's too late."

"Here." I handed her the book and walked out of her room. Sometimes I wonder why I tell her these things. Although, with Susannah away, there really isn't anyone else besides my friends, who already know.

When I got to my room, I went straight to my bookshelf. I reached my hand through the piles of books to take out my diary. I opened the lock with a small silver key and took a look at my plan.

Step 1: Talk to him. Ask him if you're still friends. If you are, talk to him a lot and get close before go to step 3. If not, go to step 2.

Step 2: Say that you're really sorry that you fought last year and that its been really hard to stay mad at him... or something that sounds less cheesy. Then ask if you can be friends again. Repeat until he says yes!

Step 3: Have some of your friends "force" you to dance with him at the next school dance and make sure it's a slow song! Don't act like you like him a lot, but let him know that you could get to like him even more...

Step 4: Next time you see him, tell him that the dance was really fun, and blush . Don't mention the part where you danced with him, but give him the idea that it's what you're talking about.

Step 4: Around now he should start to realize that he still has feelings for you. Try to drive the relationship from "friends" to "boyfriend and girlfriend"

Step 5: Give him a chance to tell you how he really feels about you, and then tell him that you loved him from the start!

I realized I had it easy. I didn't even complete steps 2, 3, and 4. But step 5 was still a maybe. He had mentioned when he was mad that he thought he loved me. But I wasn't sure if he meant that.

I was about to close the diary when something fell from my purse. The note.

I warned you. You should really be more careful, because next time, I'm not going to be so forgiving. This is your last chance.

I stuck it into my diary pages and shut it, quickly putting on the lock before getting ready to go to sleep. The whole time I pondered over the note. It wasn't written, it was typed, so I couldn't recognize the handwriting. Even the font was the classic Helvetica, or maybe Times New Roman. Either way, it wasn't like I could find out who it was based on font preference...

This is not a crime show Natalie I told myself as I brushed my hair. However, I should still try to figure out who it is. Especially because me and Derek are together now.

I got into my bed and turned off my lamp, closing my eyes. However, I immediately opened them again. Looking around my dark room, I realized I was nervous about this person. He or she (although I was pretty sure it was a he) was probably serious about trying to hurt me.

I went through a list of people in my head. Who could be this person?

Claire. She did hate me, and she was always talking about how much she wants Derek as her boyfriend. Plus, she did push me...

Brandan. He was probably my best bet. He liked me and wanted to go out with me. However, he didn't seem like the type of person to do something like this...

It could be someone I don't know. Although, something told me it was someone I've talked to before. Plus, the fact that they would know where I was going on a date and my name just further proves that. The only people who had known where I was going with Derek would be Ava, Derek, Zoe, and Ethan, and I was pretty sure Hannah knew too. But none of them would be mean enough to do that. Unless Ava put the note there... She did pass in front of me as we went through the door.

 Now I was almost positive it was Ava. Although, that didn't make sense. Ava was my best friend, and I didn't think that she even wanted to go out with Derek, she seemed like she was happy with Ethan...

Oh my gosh.

I quickly flipped on my lamp and sat up. Grabbing my phone, I scrolled through a few numbers. Getting to the second page of my contacts I clicked the call button and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hey, it's Natalie."

"What do you want? It's 11:00pm."

"Derek, I know who has been threatening us."

I hear a click of a light and a sharp intake of breath. "Who?"

"Ava and Ethan."

So, this is SO overdue, and I am immensely sorry. I can't tell you how sorry I am, because I have taken like, a couple weeks just to write one chapter. But I will probably update again very soon.

So, what do you think??

QUESTION: Is it Ava and Ethan, or is Natalie wrong??

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