Get some you two!

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You guys get home as you wake up and and you walk inside as he follows "K-kiri" he looks at you "What's wrong" you start to blush "Um-" you kiss him and runs to room and hides, he stands still for a second once he comes back to reality he a blushes hard and walks to his own room and jumps in his bed and thinks "Shit I'm getting hard and it's not because if quirk", you walk out of your room and knocks on his door, he opens it "S-sorry!" You say he blushes "I-its ok. I uhhhh liked it?" You blush "Y-you did!?"
"Y-yea" he says as your face turns red, he laughs a bit "heh"  you look up at him and he looks down at you he hugs you and you hug back. He confesses to you "I-I like you!" He blushes hard and you blush "I-I like you too!" He kisses you and you blush hard and stay still he kisses you again deeply and your face turns red as you faint he catches you and lays you on your bed as you wake up "W-what happened" he looks at you "You passed out" he says, you get confused and mad at yourself "What! How?!?" He blushes "All I did was kiss you d-deeply" you blush hard "O-oh" he looks away "Y-yeah" you pat next to you on bed blushes and says "S-sit" he blushes "O-ok" and sit next to you, you blush hard and kiss him deeply he blushes and kisses back deeply, he puts hand on your chin as you put your hand on the side of neck and he slips his tongue in your mouth and you slip your tongue in his mouth, his tongue plays with yours as you blush and he gets hard "K-kiri y-your-" you get quite "W-what?" You put your hand back on his leg as he looks and blushes "Y-your h-hard" he blushes hard "I-I know" he says, you blush and move your hand and cover your face "S-sorry!" He says. "I-It's ok!" You say
"I-I'll leave" he says, "N-no" you say as you blush "Y-you sure?" he says "Y-yea" you tell him "O-ok" he blushes as you hug him tightly and he hugs back and whispers in your ear "I'm sorry, I just got when you kisses you me like that" you blush hard and kisses him deeply again and slips your tongue in his mouth as he kisses back and puts hand on your thigh, you blush and put hand on his leg "K-kiri-kun" you say "Y-yea" he says as you slightly slide your hand up towards his d**k "W-what are you doing" you blush hard and quickly pull your hand away "S-sorry!" you look at him and he says "I-its ok!" He mutters "It was kinda turning me on." You hear him and blush hard "Kiri! I heard you" he blushes "N-no you didn't" you put your hand back by his d**k "Y-you said this turned y-you on" you say as you blush, he blushes and thinks "How do I turn her on" you slide your hand up a bit more kisses him, he kisses back and gropes your butt as you blush hard and moves your hand closer............ (to be continued)

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