Chapter 7

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Later that night:

The room was made of cement. A man held Calvin by the neck. Flashes of screaming and pain filled the somehow silent room. I never could act in my nightmares, I always just had to sit there and watch as i felt like someone ripped out my heart. Warm tears covering my cheeks. Not this time, this time i could move. I walked towards the man, holding a chunk of cement.

Felix's POV

I woke up to Calvin crying. I walked out into the living room to see what had happened.

"Hey, are you okay?" I said concerned.

Calvin was looking at Peej on the couch. PJ grabbed his hair, arching his back and scoffed. He was having a nightmare.

"Its okay, come here." I grabbed Calvin's hand and brought him into the dark kitchen.

"He gets like this sometimes, its just a dream, he is okay." I reached in the fridge and grabbed him some juice. I could barely see while getting a cup.

PJ stood up and stumbled, grabbing onto the side of the chair for support, leaning forward. He breathed heavily. Calvin backed up towards me and i put my hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, he's okay."

The next few seconds went by quick, I had no time to think or process it.

PJ pushed off of the couch looking back up, he walked towards us. A hard object hit me against my cheekbone. Without a second thought, maybe not even a thought at all, I kicked him to the floor, picked up Calvin and went into the bathroom locking the door. I dialed the cops, it was time for this to end, for this to go back to normal.


When i hit the floor i realized where i was. Felix stepped over me with Calvin and i heard a door shut.

"what.." I mumbled grabbing my head. I looked into my other hand to see a mug.

"No.. No no no no." It came to me, what happened. Instantly i stood up and walked to the bathroom.

"Felix. Felix please listen you have to understand."

The door opened and they pushed pass me, to the guest bedroom. It took me a second but i followed.


He turned back at me for just a moment. I saw his cheek, a bit of blood dripped down.

"Not now." He replied.

"No." I went to got turn him back around but he shut the bedroom door on me.

Okay, Its over. I need this all to end, I fucked it all up, I need to make things right. I sat on the bed in my room silently waiting for him to return from the room.

About 20 minutes later, he finally came out of the room.

"Felix please sit down." I know i sounded desperate, hell.. I was.

To my surprise he did come and sit down, about two feet away from me on the bed,

"Oh God.." I reached forward to his cheek.

"im so sorr-" he turned his head, so i brought my arms back.

"Felix speak to me please.."

"we are gonna be okay, I called the cops and they will be here to pick up Calvin." He still was looking away from me. I was shocked.. Yes, but that was good. I held onto both of his hands and moved forward. He was crying. I made him cry, I made the one i love cry because I was being so selfish and ignorant.

He turned to look at me and all i knew to do was kiss him. I lifted my hand up to the side of his head and softly planted a kiss on him. He didn't move away. He instead pulled closer and put his hands to the back of my head pulling me in more. The kiss lasted for 4 seconds before i leaned back and dragged him on top of me.

Im Not Insane, I Promise (Kickthepewdie)Where stories live. Discover now