A New Start

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( I do not own Naruto or any of its characters even though I wish I did).

All was quiet in the Hyuga household, but Hinata lay wide awake in her bed. She was starting school tomorrow and her stomache couldn't help but do flips as she thought about it. Hinata imagined all the scenarios of the big day in her head. Every outcome was bad and involved her tripping and eating dirt in front of her new class.

That's why Hinata's lavender eye's were plastered wide, despite her attempts to fall asleep 'Neji was right,' Hinata thought to herself. 'I'm going to be eaten alive out there.' Hinata shivered than took a deep breath in.

'I'm going to try my best. Fighting!' Hinata snuggled deeper into her cherry blossom tree blanket that was gifted to her by one of her best friends, Sakura. She gave her panda plushy a big squeeze and finally she fell asleep. 

Hinata awoke to Neji pounding rapidly on her door. "Hinata you are going to be late on your first day of school!"

Hinata jumped out of bed and glanced in the mirror. Deep bags remained under her eyes and her hair looked like hell. By hell I mean the tower of Babel could of existed within the confines of her towering knotted dark purple hair. Hinata thought about several regrets that morning, but the main one in her mind was her regretting growing her hair out. 

Once again Neji banged on the door. "Hinata if you aren't ready in five. I'm leaving you."

"Neji my alarm didn't even go off. Please cut me some slack. You know how nervous I am for today."

"No excuses. You know I have Might Guy for my first hour gym and he would make me run an extra mile if I was just a minute late."

Hinata grabbed the nearest beanie and threw on a sweatshirt and ran out of her room.

Neji stared at Hinata as he held back a snicker.

"What's so funny? You know I didn't have time to get ready."

"Nothing. You just look like some edgy emo kid. My Chemical Romance wants their depression back. Are those bags under your eyes on purpose or did you just go through an existential crisis?"

"Neji stop it! We need to leave! Wait where's Hanabi?"

At that moment Hanabi walked out of her room still in pajamas. She rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"What are you guys doing up so early?"

"What do you mean? Neji said we were going to be late."

"Are you kidding it's six in the morning!"

At that moment Hinata's alarm clock went off. Hinata glared at Neji.

"What? I thought I would wake you up early just in case and I couldn't help, but prank you in the process. Plus the panic on your face was priceless."

"I am going to kill you!" Hinata's vein bulged out of her head as she cracked her knuckles repeatedly.

"Come on it was just a joke! Where's the cute little Hinata I used to know who couldn't even hurt a fly."

"She died when you interupted her beauty sleep!"

Neji began to run down the hallway laughing maniacally. Hinata was close behind. Neji slid down the staircase and hinata bit it. She tumbled down the stairs and landed with a big thud. Hanabi peered down the staircase.

"Are you okay Hinata?" the young Hyuga questioned.

"I'm fine. Just hurt my head a little bit" Hinata rubbed her head and when she looked up her dad was staring down at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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