Experiment #07: Scissorhands Adaptation

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  Experiment: #07 = Scissorhands AdaptationDescription of Experiment: The subject with dual identities has been merged down into one identity now, both conscious of what the other is doing, further more, she was made into an adaptation of scissorh...

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  Experiment: #07 = Scissorhands Adaptation

Description of Experiment: The subject with dual identities has been merged down into one identity now, both conscious of what the other is doing, further more, she was made into an adaptation of scissorhands, her fingers were amputated and replaces by scissors/knife blades. We used a metal that can shrink slightly or extend a lot longer, though it's in this case, she's able to drink but not able to eat on her own as she won't be able to hold a fork in her hand as she will most likely stab herself while doing so, one of us 3 usually feeds her our self.

History: The subject was taken kidnapped shortly after project #06 and was locked up, her operation came later than most as we decided that researching her would be best first, we were soon able to know a lot about her and her disorder. We forced her into becoming Genocider Syo and then dragging her onto the operation table, we first merged the two identities together and then we had to wait a while for the subject to calm down, soon we ran our second operation, amputating her fingers and replacing them with blades. She threw a huge fit but was just ignored and pushed back into her cell. Her personality has been mixed up and will also end up talking to herself, which is pretty much Syo and Fuwaka talking. She often bothers Project #06, Asahina Aoi, and sometimes strikes up a conversation with Project #08, Chihiro Fujisaki.

Scenario: Make it up!

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