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I'd heard nothing of Jen and it had been twelve hours since I left her in that waiting room. She hadn't messaged me or anything to say that there was any news or if she had gone back to the hotel. I was slightly concerned, however, she's a strong independent person and I know that she can take care of herself. I don't know why she was so worried about those girls, she's always been sensitive but this was different. Jen had never acted this way, especially about kids.

I'd been checking my phone constantly since I woke up but I still hadn't heard anything and she hadn't replied to any of my texts. We had a press event at three and she was supposed to be in hair and makeup but no one had seen her all day so she must've still been at the hospital even though she promised she'd be here. People were starting to notice and it was getting difficult to cover for her. I decided to go and see her, make sure that she was alright and find out what was happening.

Upon arriving at the hospital, I found the waiting room even though they all looked the same making it virtually impossible. Jen was still sat upon the same chair I left her in only now she was asleep and drooling. Ee! Gently shaking her shoulder, I woke her from her nap. Upon opening one eye she seemed to instantly realise where we were and she jumped from her seat. The both of us asked a passing nurse where we could get information. After being directed to a desk we were greeted by a doctor who told us that child protective services and the police had been notified of the situation, we would both need to give statements but we were allowed to see them. Jen's face fell and it was visible that she was upset. I couldn't think why but maybe she was hiding something. She clearly didn't want the girls to go into the system or back into it.

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