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"Song Jiyeon! I am sorry! Everything that happened in the past is all my fault, in why I got into a bet with-" Well, right now! This Kim Taehyung...is kneeling and begging, in front of me. Which causes other people walking around the hallway, look at us, too weirdly so I decided to speak up for him to stop

"Wa- wai- wait! You should stop first! I don't want to ruin your reputation and image like this...as people are looking and judging you from head to toe. Please just stand up and let us take a seat, make this conversation you know- more proper" I sighed and he agreed and we both took a sit down, he cleared his throat and started speaking up

(before Jiyeon left to see Taehyung)

As the nurse left and said the name I've hated, I quickly had the thought of leaving and the thought of coming up an excuse or alibi to escape the awkward, dangerous place

"Alright...that's the time, I think I need to go now! Bye Jiyeon-ah. It was nice meeting you again" I hurriedly stood up and bowed at her, she was stunned and surprise at my sudden actions but bowed back anyways

"Arraseo...take care" she waved as I passed her, she almost noticed something suspicious, but-

good thing, she didn't


Oookaaayyy...that guy seems suspicious at his actions

I thought as I pondered on my seat, I was only the one in this room who is left as Jiyeon went to speak to that Taehyung guy, her ex, I mean

But how did I knew he was her ex?

Well, remember that time when I saved her from that accident? I saw her phone right? And this golden boy, Jungkook, knows how to open a phone and knowing the password and going through her privacy, *coughs* her contacts *coughs*

I know I know! Its bad to snoop around people's privacy and stuffs but, I AM JUST CURIOUS, kay?!

And as I was scrolling through her contacts, a name sparked my attention, I stopped scrolling and opened their chat, it seems like this guy was trying to get her back

his message is as follows:

alien: hey princess, i know i got too harsh at you but, please hear me out! come back to our apartment and we will sort things out. you had been missing these days. i miss you, i do! please come back, im sorry. for everything...

Yes, they MAY not be in a relationship and all but, I can consider that as her ex/rival. Only God knows what the heck happened to them at that time

I just do hope that they would get along...


"Then there was this day, when this guy...made a bet with me...he told me to-"

Suddenly, his phone rang, he panicked and carefully checked the name of the person calling him. As a curious woman, I glanced at his phone but it doesn't say its name


I almost explained the reason why I went crazy for her during the past but, someone called me

Immediately, I thought of it who it was so I started to panic and grab my phone to answer the call as fast as I can



"Yeo-yeobo-yeoboseyo?" I spoke up while shaking

"Go on. Keep trying to convince her to the fact that she can't even remember a single thing! Desperate for her forgiveness, eh? Well, keep this in your rotten mind! She.Is.Mine"

[call ended]

Instead of getting scared, I got the courage to continue my explanation on why I was acting like that in the past

Right now...

It is my time to seek revenge...


I heard his caller hung up, creating loud beeps that was heard from his phone

He huffs his breath and kept his phone in his pocket and had no reaction of the call whatsoever

"As I was saying, I made a bet with this guy. He told me to ruin my reputation to you so it would make it look like I am the villain, but I am not! Believe me! I saw you listening to our conversation that time! Of course, He threatened me that if I declined his bet, it would meant that death will be coming to the both of us..." he trailed off and watched as I got chills and scared at this

This is unbeliebubble...Jungkook told me that he was my ex...but if he was, why does he look so innocent and pure? He may be innocent but I wonder if this bet ,he is saying, is true

Should I even trust this person?

"If this is true then, you should make me remember...this conversation that you knew I saw. If I didn't remember a single thing of these stuffs then, we should cut the connection between the both of us and become strangers, like we never had met before" I suggested a deal with him, it took a few minutes until he accepted the deal

And this made me had an idea of asking this question

"What was your relationship with me in the past?" I asked that made him frozen at my question

"You were my childhood best friend, we somehow got apart but we met eventually. As we have met again, I showed various ways of taking care of you until it came that day when I made the bet..." he said and scratched his temple

"Then I suppose, you weren't and didn't became my ex?" I shyly replied, fiddling my hair

"I didn't, it would be so embarrassing to show up if I was" he awkwardly laughed and gave me a sly smile

"Well I should get going" he bowed politely and showed me his rectangular smile that captured my heart

"Okay, be careful on your way! Don't forget the deal!" I reminded him with a glare

He chuckled and nodded, I chuckled also and waved as I bid a farewell at him

As he left, my mood changed. From happy to angry

That boi Jungkook sure knows how to lie!


Chapter 11(End)

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