♡ You Did Well ♡

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The shivers that tingled spines all across the world. A sudden wave of sadness. Tears flowing down cheeks. No one knew why.

He's gone, the news report informed us. Suddenly, we all knew why we felt so sad. Why we all felt the urge to cry. Why all of our depressing monsters made themselves more visible.

Fans gathering around. Sharing tears and comforting shoulders. No one could find it in them to smile. He wouldn't want us to be sad, no. For he's in a much better place. But we can't go on as if nothing had happened.

"The person who saved me couldn't save himself," she cried.

"Now I can't look at him and still find reason to be alive," he sobbed.

"I knew something was up," she sighed, "I felt it." she whispered.

     "I felt it too." he replied.

     You don't always win your battles... but it's good to know that you fought. You fought hard. You fought long. It's unfortunate to know that your thoughts overcame you. That you couldn't stand it anymore.

     If only that doctor would've helped. If only depression didn't exist. If only the world wasn't so pressuring. You'd still be here.

     You did well. No one told you enough.

     Did you ever get to show the real you to the public? You did well.

     You're not hurting anymore. I'm sorry that living brought you that pain. I understand it too. I'm sorry it had to end like this. You did well.

     You never got to experience everything life had to offer. The good parts. Did you know what it was like to truly be in love? Did you know what it was like to welcome your first child into the world? Did you know what it was like to get married to the love of your life? Did you know what it was like to buy your first pet with your spouse?

     I'm sorry that all of that was taken away from you. It's not fair. Death is so easy but life is so hard.

     Jonghyun... you fought hard. You did well. We'll miss you. Smile down on us up there. You're forever in our hearts. Rest in peace.

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