Day 0, 0 minutes : Invisible wall

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Day 0, 0 minutes : Invisible wall

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

~ Albert Einstein  



Silence. Complete Silence.

She had an headset on. No music. Every sound muted. Every sound reached her headset but didn't go any further.

Green, Little, tickling grass touched her skin. 

She filled her lungs with air and let it all out. 

She enjoyed the warm breeze against her skin. 

Her eyes closed. 

The sun shined bright. 

Her ipod next to her in the grass. 

A bug climbing on her arm.

One click.

Her ears filled with music. Nicki Minaj sang Starships in her ears.

She felt something heavy on her stomach. She opened her eyes and looked up. It was Taylor. Again. She smiled and removed one half of the headset.

"Hey Tay." She greeted him.

He looked aside to her.

"Hello Honey." He greeted her back and flashed a cheesy smile.

She lay down again , still with only one ear covered by her headset.

A few moments later she looks up again. She sees Taylor smiling and looking at the clouds, just like her. She felt happy and lucky. She couldn't wish for a more nicely summer.

She laid back and covered both ears with her headset. The music filled everything around her. Time flew. And she fantasized about many stuff.

She didn't knew how long she laid there like that. So she couldn't tell how long it took before she noticed. There was this strange feeling climbing up and filling her soul. She felt it in her whole body. It made her shiver.  

She took the headset off and sat straight up. Taylor who still laid down on her belly and probably fell asleep, slipped and sat up too, a bit confused and with sleepy eyes.

Shabayan looked around. Where just some moments ago the park was filled with talking, running, playing and enjoy, it was now filled with complete silence.

She looked around. Everyone in the park looked up at the sky. Some with their hands above them to protect their eyes from the sun. She looked at Taylor who was looking up now too. She then quickly looked up too.

She was amazed how many plains flew through the air. She shivered once more, giving her goose bumps. The airplanes ,almost soundless, slid to north-west of the city. Fear took over her body and her mind. She jumped up and took Taylor's hand. Taylor got snapped out of his thoughts and jumped confused next to Shabayan. He was still a bit sleepy. She started to run to the east, pulling Taylor with her.

Short after they started to run , an alarm filled the air. She knew the alarm usually was used for warning people and only went off for a few reasons: 

1. War. 

2. Some poison in the air. (people should close all their windows) 

3. A threat from outside. (like when they discovered a bomb or a meteorite) 

4. To test the alarm. (every first Monday of the month)

She knew it was not the first Monday of the month. It was not even a Monday! 

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