The Raven Girl

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The sun shined bright, the birds sang happily. It was just a warm spring-day. School was out and the park was filling with students.

Most students were hanging with some friends or sitting on benches staring at the water with the ducks.

But there was one girl laying in the long green grass. All by her self. staring at the straight blue sky. She was looking at the clouds who changed by time, to the birds flying above her and at the leaves in the trees who were dancing on a gust of wind.

She enjoyed it. She really didn't had the need to hang with friends her friends or anything. She actually wasn't quiet the popular type of girl.

Now I don't say she ain't pretty or even beautiful but she just didn't care for her popularity status. Unlikely from other teenagers. Also she wasn't talented in drama, being a cheerleader or anything like that. Her specialty was drawing, and she enjoyed it in the fullest!

So there she was. Listening to some cheery songs on her Ipod. Making her feel happy and letting her enjoy the day.

She spread her arms and legs and sighed deeply. She turned her head so the grass was tickling on her cheek. She closed her eyes and laughed.

This was what she planned to do all day long. Just enjoying the sun, as long as it lasted.



This is what I came up with after being attacked by a raven...

I'm serious, That Beast attacked me!!

On my damn head :(

Still hurts....

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