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the music blares through out the car, i couldn't help but tap my foot rhythmically against the dashboard, mimicking the beat of the song.

"shut your mind off and let your heart breathe, you don't need to be to worried!" he sings back at me, tilting his head back as laughter sputters loudly from his mouth.

he-was finn, and finn was giving me a ride to school, just as he does every morning.

finn and i have been best friends forever. well for as long as my memories go back, which is basically forever, right?

we met when we were practically still babies, his family had just moved in next to mine and our mums got chatting. next thing you know we were inseparable, even at the ripe age of four.

i laugh along with his stupid antics and run a hand through the mop of hair on my head

it was rather short and had a curl to it, my mum thought it looked scruffy and suggested i straightened it this morning, too which i ignored her because i really couldn't be bothered

my mind wanders off and i start to feel self conscious, something i do often.

maybe i should've straightened my hair? or put a bit more effort into my outfit? god, what did finn think when i got in the car? i bet sadie looks nice today, why can't i be more like the other girls?

my mind runs wild and i begin to feel my heart beat pick up ever so slightly

not today i tell myself

"honestly finn, how can you be so energetic in the morning? it drains me just watching you" i grin jokingly. i had interrupted his singing but he didn't seem to mind, not in the slightest

"honestly mills, how can you hate mornings so much? it depresses me watching you" he mimics my words in a high pitched voice

"i don't sound like that!" i exclaim giving him a slight shove because i genuinely don't, despite my attempt of coming off as moody a big smile breaks out onto my face

he's always been able to get a smile out of me. even on the mornings

"yea yea whatever" he mutters with a playful eye roll "but seriously mills, maybe if you got a normal amount of sleep for once you wouldn't hate mornings so much"

he brings it up casually but i can hear the concern in his voice, and despite wanting to argue back i keep my mouth closed because it's true

shit happens // fillieWhere stories live. Discover now