"That sounds like hard work," Lucy replies.

"Yes it was," Rocky continues, "Good thing we had a lot of help. After that, we had to move hotels because the hotel we were staying at had a stupid gas leak."

"A gas leak?!" Lucy gasped, "Are you alright, love?"

"Yes Lucy, I'm Ok," Rocky reassures her, "Don't worry, we got out as soon as we heard. The good news is that our new hotel is only about 15 minutes or so from the hospital my grandma's staying at."

"Oh thank goodness you're safe and sound," Lucy sighs in relief.

"You know, I'm starting to miss you Lucy," Rocky confesses in a soft tone.

Touched by her beloved saying that he misses her, Lucy places a hand on her heart. "Oh Rocky, that's so sweet. I miss you too," Lucy swoons.

On Rocky's end, there's some loud talking in the distance, which is his family warning him that they have to leave soon, meaning he'll have to cut his conversation with Lucy short.

"Lucy, I have to go," Rocky says, "I have to visit my grandma at the hospital today."

"Is that so?" Lucy remarks.

"Yeah, but I'm not looking forward to it," Rocky confessed softly, "I've been told that her health is truly deteriorating, even while she's in the hospital. So...(sigh) this might be the last time I'll get to talk to her."

Lucy starts to feel slightly saddened by Rocky's explanation that his grandmother might leave Earth soon.

"Whatever happens...I hope things will turn out Ok," Lucy mumbles, "If you need to, you can call me later. Good luck."

"Thanks. Goodbye Lucy," Rocky bids farewell.

"Goodbye Rocky," Lucy also bids farewell. Just before hanging up, Lucy kisses her phone. Once they are both off the line, Lucy places her phone in her pocket.

"What'd he say?" Clyde asks, genuinely curious.

Lucy proceeds to paraphrase her phone conversation, "He just told me that he was too busy to call me because he was cleaning his grandma's house. Then he said he had to move hotels because the one he was first staying at had a gas leak."

Lucy pauses for a brief moment, "Then he said that he's going to visit his grandmother in the hospital. He thinks that because her health is really deteriorating, this might be the last time he sees her. Sigh, my poor dear."

Clyde briefly looks at her with sympathy, "If that's true, then I truly do feel sorry for them. I actually remember that Rusty has talked about his grandmother several times before. It must be hard for them to lose someone dear to them," Clyde says softly.

"Sigh, I too feel sorry for them," Lucy says, "But at the same time, I do understand that death is a part of life and everyone dies at some point."

Lucy turns to Clyde, "Hey speaking of death, do you want to come to the cemetery with me, Haiku, and Silas to help bury a dead bird?" She asks.

At first, Clyde was a little surprised that Lucy wanted him to accompany her to bury a dead bird. He was also a little hesitant to go through with it since it was a morbid activity that he wasn't used to participating in. Then again, after the progress she has made and especially after the phone conversation Lucy just had with Rocky, there was no way Clyde would give up on her now.

Despite his better judgement, he agrees, "Sure," He says.

"Good. Just let me tell everybody where we're going," Lucy says as she makes her way upstairs.

A few hours later, just as the sky turned orange and yellow from the sun going down, Lucy and Clyde arrive at the cemetery. Lucy lead Clyde to the specific rendezvous point where Haiku said she and SIlas would be awaiting them. Once they got there, Haiku and silas stood in between a mini tombstone with the words "R.I.P Tweety II" carved into it. Silas was also holding a small box that contained the dead animal.

"Hi guys," Lucy greeted.

"Hello Lucy," Haiku greeted, "Hello Clyde. I didn't think you'd come."

"Nice to see you again Haiku," Clyde greeted. He looked at Silas.

"Oh. Clyde, this is our other friend Silas. Silas, this is Clyde," Haiku introduced.

"Nice to meet you," Clyde says.

"Likewise," Silas replied.

Silas puts the box that contains the dead bird on the ground and grabs a shovel.

"Who wants to help me dig the grave?" Silas asks.

"I will," Lucy grabs a second shovel and helps Silas dig the grave for the bird.

While Silas and Lucy dig, Haiku and Clyde decide to talk.

"Lucy has been very scarce around us ever since Rocky left," Haiku explains, "She's missed my poetry readings, our seances, hanging out. To be honest, we kinda miss hanging out with her."

"Yes I know," Clyde replies, "Her siblings suggested I talk to her and bond with her. After that, she's been making excellent progress."

Haiku briefly glances at Lucy and Silas digging. Then she looks at Clyde again, "I just wanted to say thank you for helping her open up. It's nice to see her digging a grave again."

"You're welcome," Clyde responds.

Silas grabs the box that the bird's dead body is in and gently places it in the hole. Then Lucy helps him cover the box with dirt until the box is completely buried.

"Mind if I say a few words?" Lucy wonders as she and Silas get up from burying the bird.

"By all means," Silas replied, "By the way, the bird is my neighbor's and his name is Tweety II."

Everybody stepped away from the headstone and bowed their heads while listening to Lucy's eulogy.

"Dearly beloved," Lucy began, "We are gathered here today to mourn the death of Tweety II, a pet beloved by Silas' neighbor. Fly high to heaven young one."

Everyone briefly looked up at the night sky and caught a glimpse of the sun sinking lower and lower behind the mountains in the distance.

"Can I add something else please?" Lucy requests.

Silas and Haiku give her the green light by silently nodding.

Lucy then stepped forward and turned her back towards her friends. She looked up at the golden sky, cupped her hands together, and brought them close to her chest.

"God, if you're listening, I humbly ask a favor of you," Lucy whispers, "Please watch over Grandma Spokes. Give her a wonderful afterlife full of peace and harmony, much like how I assume she had here on Earth. Also, watch over the members of the Spokes family who are still living. Remind them that even the living are important in your eyes."

As they listened to Lucy's speech asking God to watch Grandma Spokes, Clyde, Haiku, and Silas all grinned at the sweet moment.

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