"if it's so easy, you try it."


"why not?"

"i don't know how."

"so then you admit it's kind of impressive."

"i think if i spent, like, all day practicing, i could do that," he bluntly confronted, squinting at the blonde.

"i would give you a million bucks if you could."

"okay, you're making me dizzy. please just stop," he groaned quietly, though, he kept watching her spin around him anyway. he had to enjoy it just a little.

"i'll stop when i join your party," she giggled.

"come on, just stop." he smiled at the girl, she felt her heart beat quickly once she saw him actually smile. at her.

"it's a simple question. am i in or out?" she stuck her tongue out playfully before the board flew forward, causing the thin girl to fly up and off of the board. her back hit the hard gym floor, a loud thud erupting when it did so. she groaned in pain, holding her stomach.

"jesus! are you all right?" mike asked caringly, kneeling next to her in genuine concern.

"yeah, yeah. i think so," she replied, reaching for his hand he gestured to her. she grabbed it firmly, him using his bit of strength to pull her up.

"what happened?"

"i don't know. it was like a magnet or something pulling on my board. i know that probably sounds crazy.." she laughed nervously, walking over to get her board.

she turned back to see mike run through the gym doors before coming back in to tell her that he had gotten a message from will on the talkie about where dart was.

the two hurry to where he said, meeting up with dustin in the bathroom.

"where's dart?" mike questioned.

"i don't know. not here," dustin replied.

"what?" mike began checking each stall, unable to find dart.

"well, he said by salerno's, right?" violet asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"yeah, maybe will has him."

"where is will?" mike lowly asked, looking at all of them worriedly.


lucas, dustin, violet and will's mother ran out to see mike trying to wake up will. his eyes were shut but he stood in the middle of the field.

"i just found him like this! i think he's having another episode!" mike worriedly chanted.

"will! will! will!" his mother said, shaking him. "sweetie, wake up! it's mom! will!"

violet rubbed the back of my neck, seeing mike and the others look extremely worried for their best friend, specifically mike. she had no idea what was going on. this was different than normal, unusual.

"will! can you hear me? will, please, just wake up. please, wake up. it's mom! it's me!"

after a few more screaming and shaking, will gasped awake from his episode. his eyes shot open and joyce hugged him tightly.

-- the next day.

violet rushed towards the school, heading around to the back, meeting up with the party except dustin. mike had called everyone there to look for dart.

mike pointed at the dumpster with a thin, short pole. "hop in."

violet huffed and shook her head. "yeah, no."

ʚïɞ  bored︰stranger things book two [m.w.]Where stories live. Discover now