Chapter 2: Second Quarter

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Ah! The time had finally come!

School trip!

"Hey, Nagisa. You figure out who all's in your group?" I heard Meg ask.

"My what?" He questioned.

"It's mine and Isogai's job to keep track of who's with who, so let one of know." She told him before moving over to me and Hinata.

"So who else should be have in our group?" She asked us.

"Huh. Maybe Maehara and Isogai? Let's ask after PE." I suggested.

They both nodded.

We all finished putting away our lunches and went out to our next class: PE.

"Everyone's aware next week is our big, overnight field trip to Kyoto, yeah?" Mr. Kurasuma asked.

I was actually really excited for this.

Only the years when on this trip, so this would be my first time going there.

"Well, not to put a damper on the fun, but you're still on the clock." He told us.

"So, are we supposed to try and kill him there?" Hinata asked.

"That is the idea." Mr. Kurasuma told us before explaining further. "Kyoto is a very large city, a lot more cosmopolitan than this area. For your safely, you'll be touring in designated groups. Koro-sensei will divide his time between you."

"There are a lot of good sniper nests in the Big city. We plan to have sharpshooter posted just about everywhere."

"Cool." I interrupted.

Mr. Kurasuma didn't skip a beat. "Lead your target into the crosshairs, and the reward money will be passed out between you and the lucky marksman. So stick to the sniperforwndly routes and kelp those eyes peeled."

"Yes, sir." We answered.

We eventually got back to class and started making groups.

Maehara and Isogai said yes to joining us and we ended up asking Rio Nakamura as well.

I let them all plan out where we would go.

I had a few minor inputs, but overall I was left out.

Mostly because I was more inclined to go to an unfriendly sniper area.

C'est la vie.

With that out of the way, it was agreed that we'd all spend the night at my place before going to the station the following morning.

I ordered pizza and picked up some pop on my way home.

They were going to arrive at 6:30.

I had more than enoigh space for everyone, so want too worried.

Hinata, Meg, and Nakamura all came together while Isogai and Maehara came separately.

"Wow, this is an awesome place, Marigold." Nakamura said as she looked around.

It really was.

My father was the one who picked it out.

It had three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, a livingroom, dining room, full kitchen, and a pantry.

It screamed money and privilege.

I'd turned one if the bedrooms into my art studio and deorated the place as I saw fit.

Plus, there was an epic sound system that connect to my phone via Bluetooth.

Oh yeah!

My place was lit.

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