"Only if you want it to." He says, causing my eyebrows to turn in confusion. What does he mean, 'only if I want it to?' That doesn't make any sense.

"What do you mean?" My voice is shaky just like the rest of my body.

"Vampires have the power to compel you to like the feeling of being sucked." He lips curve into a grin, but I still look at him puzzled.


"Look, it does hurt to be bit by a vampire..." He states and I lightly gasp. "But, I will compel you and tell you to like the feeling, and you will. Trust me. I don't ever bite my slaves without compulsion, unless they have been bad." He says the last part more serious and low.

That's weird, but I'll take it. I don't want him to suck my blood at all, but if there is a way with no pain, then I will gladly do anything to have it that way.

He raises his eyebrows, waiting for a response, but I still stare blankly at him and don't say anything. I don't know what to say. Silence is better for me. Less words I have to stutter out of my mouth. I see annoyance take over his face before rolling his eyes and pushing my shoulders up so I'm straight against the wall. He leans his face closer to me and his nose barely grazes mine. My body jolts and shakes in fear even more.

"I'm going to taste your blood now. Don't be scared." And with that my emotion goes normal and I am not afraid of him anymore. What the hell? His eyes stay glued to mine as he opens his mouth again to speak. "This is going to feel good, Ellie." He states before bringing his head closer to my neck. I feel no fear towards him, but deep deep down, I can still feel the frightened girl banging on bars, trying to break free, but my body won't let me feel scared.

His head gently pushes mine, forcing it to tilt sideways. My neck is now fully exposed to him as he leans in deeper. I feel the breath that exhails form his nostrils fan over my neck. I can't help but be fully attracted to this man. Umm, you mean Vampire. My subconcious reminds me.

I try to push the feelings aside, but being completely unafraid of him isn't helping the case. His lips press a soft warm kiss on my neck before I feel a small pressure. His teeth must have entered my skin, but it doesn't hurt which is weird. It actually feels... good? Oh god. This feels good. I feel blood running mad through my veins and it feels like someone's running their fingers everywhere on my body.

I hear Master hum in satisfaction as he continues to suck my blood. This feeling is so good, I can't even explain. I almost feel like I need more, if that's even possible. My hands fly up to his mess of hair, pushing him further in my neck. I can feel his mouth tighten around the bite, causing a small moan escape my lips. What the hell? Did I just moan from a freaking vampire sucking my blood.

My body and head start to feel light. I push on the blood suckers chest to make him stop. I can't enjoy this, I have to hate it, not love it! This leech is a freaking monster! Yeah an attractive monster that makes you moan when he sucks your blood. I mentally tell my annoying inner self to shut the hell up while Master lets me push him off of me. He takes a step back and my eyes go straight to his lips. They have a bit of blood smeared from his lips to his chin. My sight moves up to his eyes that are already staring deeply in mine, though they look different, they are the darkest red ever. Almost black. They flare their burning red, but his face is unreadable.

"Fuck, you taste good." He groans as he wipes his face clean with the back of his hand. His eyes are still locked on mine. His gaze finally moves away from mine and looks down at my neck. When I feel his eyes not looking into mine, fear comes striking back in my veins. He looks even more scary now with his dark eyes and the blood smeared on his lips and chin.

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