"Where do you come from?" he asks.

"Nowhere." I replied.

"What's your name?" the little boy asks.

"Yui." I said.

"I'm Ayato Sakamaki, nice to meet you." he held out a hand for a greet. I looked up at him, and smiled. I took his hand and gave a small shake. When I touched his hand it was ice cold, and it was strange.

"What's this Ayato making friends with a human?" I heard voice said.

"What is a human doing here?" I heard another voice said.

I turn to my other side, and see two other boys. One had green eyes, and orange-red hair. The other had purple eyes and purple hair, holding a teddy bear close.

"Who are you?" I asked politely.

"My name is Laito Sakamaki, and this is my brother Kanato." Laito said pointing to his brother.

"I'm Yui." I said.

"Nice to meet you." Laito and Kanato said with a smile.

"I never expected for a guest to come."

"I guess that man was right."

"Just what the hell is a human doing here?!?"

I heard three voices, I look foward to see three boys. One with blonde hair, and blue eyes. The other dark purple hair, and ruby eyes with glasses. The last one has white hair, and red eyes.

"Who is she?" the white hair asked harshly.

"My name is Yui." I said.

"I apologize for my brothers attitude. My name is Reiji Sakamaki the second eldest son." he introduced.

"I'm Shu Sakamaki the eldest son." the other introduced.

"Subaru Sakamaki the youngest son." the last one said.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"So I see you guys have met your sister." I heard Karl's voice.

Karl was right behind me, and he patted my head with a smile.

"Sister?!?" everyone yelled, except for me. I already knew since Karl told me at the graveyard. Since they're my family now I have to call them my brothers, and Karl my father.

"Yes your sister, you guys will take care of her. I'll explain everything, but first I must take Yui to Christa." He said.

Karl took me outside from the mansion, and we walk to a tower. I look up and I see a woman with white hair, and red eyes staring down at me. She turned her gaze when I looked at her.

"Yui since you're part of the family, I must tell you something before I leave you to your mother. We are vampires, but I'll make sure they won't bite you, or do anything bad to you. Also stay away from Ayato's mother, understood?" he asked.

"Yes father." I replied.

He smiled, and took me inside the tower. He opened a door, revealing the woman who was staring at me. The woman looked at us, but not with a happy expression.

"Who is this Karl?" she asked.

"This is your daughter, your going to take good care of her." father replied.

"So you only came here to bring a human child to take care of." she says turning her head to the window.

"Yes, and you must raise her, or I could take her to Breatix or Cordelia." he says.

"There's no need. I'll take care of her, I don't want her to be with them." she says, coming to me, and pulling me away from my father.

"Good, I'll come back in a few days to check up on her." my father said, leaving.

I turned around and I see my mother's eyes. She reaches down to my level, and smiles at me.

"I always wanted a daughter, what's your name?" my mother asks.

"Yui." I said.

"Yui what a beautiful name, tell me why did you come to live with us?" she asks, bringing up my father's death.

"There was a tragedy accident yesterday. My father died, and I thought I would be lonely for the rest of my life." I said tears forming in my eyes.

My mother's expression went to sadness. She wiped the tears off of my cheeks.

"It's going to be alright, I'm right here. I'll make sure no harm goes to you." she says hugging me.

I hugged her back, and few of my tears rolls down on my cheeks. Not just because I'm sad, it's because I finally have a mother I could depend on.

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