"Want some tea?" I asked, placing the kettle on the stove.

"Sure" He said softly but I knew that his brain was working on or through something but he shook his head and looked at him. "So no date tonight?" he smiled.

"Just my couch getting a big piece of my ass may get some head too" I said looking in the cupboard to get the tea out then the mugs. 

"Such a lady" he laughed. 

"Oh don't you know it." I said placing the mugs on the counter and walked over to my wash room and grabbed pjs, that being a simple take and shorts.

*Whistle* Tea is done.

I walked out putting my hair up in a bun and turned the kettle off and poured the water into the mugs.

After fixing both mugs I looked around and found zak on the couch with his eyes closed, I set his mug down on the coffee talbe and sat beside him grabbing the blanket next to him. 

"share?" he asked, making me nod I set my mug down and covered the both of us up and I got my mug and sipped it turning on the tv, but not really watching it I was more concerned about the six foot man on my couch sipping tea and wondering what was on his mind. 

"ok spill" I said putting the mugs down. 

"Spill what?" He asked. 

"You know what, What's got you thinking so hard." I asked him.

"Just how to shut my mom up for a bit just over xmas maybe new years." he mumbled. 

"Well you love her so no duct tape" I joked. 

"Funny" he smiled some. 

"Come on it's me whats the plan" I asked.

"Some how find some random girl maybe an actress and hire them for a month as my fake girlfriend" He said.

"Absolutely not" I said. "You do realize how bad that could go right?" I added. 

"But..." he started 

"No but's you are not doing that it's too dangerous for a guy like you" I said. 

"Guy like me?" he looked at me. 

"Wealthy, famous, celebrity, handsome do I need to go on?" I asked. 

"Just about the handsome part can you elaberate on that part?" he smirked his trademark smile. 

"No" I smiled "But seriously If it were me I ask someone close to me" I added. 

"Like who.... You? would you do that for me?" He asked as I looked down at him he looked like something i've never seen before, pleading and vulerable.

"I..You...You want me to do it?" I said. 

"Would you?" he asked in his serious tone. 

"Zak, I..." I started. 

"Come on you said it best if it were you I'd pick someone i'm close to and you're the one I trust most, plus bonus my family's alread met you come on please???" he sat up taking my hands. 

"Zak..." I started. 

"Please Britt, I can's ask anyone else I trust you the most and my mom would never believe me and cece. I'll compansate you whatever you want and need, just one month act like you like me and i'll give you a house and car." He said. 

"Zak, sweetie stop" I said taking hold of his face gently "first off slow way down calm down take a breath, You're not buying me a house and car repeat me" I asked rubbing my thumb over his cheek. 

"You are not buying me a house and car" He smiled 

"ZAK!" I scolded him. 

"Fine, I won't buy you a house and car" he said. 

"Good sleep on it ok? maybe you'll dream up of something different" I said. 

"Fine" he nodded and leaned back into the couch to watch tv. 

I ended up falling asleep on his shoulder and woke up to zak shaking me. "What?" I groaned. 

"Come on i'll help you to bed" He said helping me up. 

"Coulda just carried me" I mumbled. 

"I will." He said. 

"No, I'm fine" I said and walked into my room and pulled my covers back, and laid down. 

"I'll see you tomorrow" He said and placed a kiss on my head. 

"You can stay" I said getting comfy. 

"I would but I have a long and early morning tomorrow" He said. 

"Ok, call me if you need something" I said curling up and holding on to my pillow. 

"Night britt" He said and kissed my head once more and then he was gone. 

That whole night my mind tossed and turned at the endless possiblities that this proposal could come to be, I had finally given up and tried very hard not to have my feeling grow for my Boss & Friend.

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