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Pain. That is all I could think about while lying-in the foliage. My fingers dug into the dirt for once not minding my hands getting dirty. I bit my lip so much so that I could taste copper filling my mouth. I needed to hold in my screams so that no one could find me in spite of being out in the open. If my voice doesn't give me away than sure my scent will.The heavy copper scent blends in with warm summers air making it thick and would eventually bring out famished predators, or even worse them.

Hours seem to go by agonizingly slow. My strength slowly deteriorating. Nevertheless I continued to push with a mighty shout. I fall limp against the ground breathing heavily. Silence. An unbearable silence echoed harshly against my ears. Weakly I lift up my upper body to hold the unmoving infant.

Her skin was pink with a bit of blood coating her body, a patch of bleach blond hair on top her little head. She was so small, so light in my arms. I wanted so desperately to hear her cry but not even a whimper escaped past her lips. The warmth of her body rapidly grows cold.

No no no you can't take her too! My mind screamed. Desperately I flip her over onto her stomach and rub furiously against her back. I lost him, you can't take her too! Please not her too!

Minutes pasted but I continued on. I wasn't giving up that easily. I couldn't do that I refused to. I could feel warm tears filling my eyes making my vision grow blurry. Please Death, please let me keep her.

As if answering my beseeching the little one started to move. She moved and started to let out a loud wail letting the world know that she was well and alive.

Teary-eyed I held my little girl close as if she would slip away from my grasp."Thank you thank you."I chanted repeatly."Thank you."

Three Months Later


Distress. The scent overwhelmed my nose so much that it made it blind to the other scents around me. Incapable of ignoring it I followed the scent through the forest. With my dagger in hand I cautiously scanned the area to be sure there wasn't any threat. Normally I wouldn't travel so far from the tribe or at least not tell them what I was sensing. If a danger to the tribe, as a warrior, I am to inform them about it but I wasn't sensing any sort of threat to warn them.

My nose had lead me to a hidden cave hidden beneath the underbrush. Inhaling as I stepped closer I noticed that the scent smelt of a newborn, a baby no older than few months. I couldn't smell the parent anywhere which gave me mixed feeling. Was the babe abandoned? I frowned while climbing into the small cave. The floor of the cave was covered in dry lives and skinned furs. In the far end of the cave was the baby in a nest if thick furs whining and sniffling.

Crawling on my hands and knees I sent calming pheromones to reassure them that they weren't alone. Soon the whimpering ceased into hiccups. The baby was small and bit malnourished. They had a patch of blond hair and bright blue eyes that stared up at me.

"Shh its okay little one."I whispered softly.

Gently I lift them up from the nest and held them close to my chest. I hum a rhythmic melody as I try to figure out why their parent would leave them behind, or more importantly not in the comforts of their tribe.

A sour scent filled the air. A small figure glares and bares their teeth from the entrance of the cave. My noise twitched in recognition. This was the scent of an omega, and the child was his. Omegas are by no means weak but they are not as strong as an alpha. But put their child into the mix an omega gains the strength of ten men.

Gently I set the baby back into the neat and backed away. The omega crawls into the cave still sending warning signals towards me. He takes the child into his arms looking her over for any possible injuries. I sat there, unmoving. One wrong move and the omega will rip out my throat.

"What are you doing here?"He growled once deemed his child was safe.

Clearing my throat I told him what had happened. The omega looks down at his baby witty guilt in his eyes but the expression vanished as soon as it appeared. He gave me a suspected look not truly understanding my intentions now.

"Most would kill a baby if they find a unmated omega."He stated.

I snarled."That is barbaric!"The baby whimpered. Lowering my voice I continued."I would never do something like that nor would my tribemates. Speaking of tribes, where is yours?"

The omega sighed as he sat down on the soft furs. He seemed to be more relaxed but still cautious. He brings the baby to his chest before grabbing a blanket and covers his front from my eyes. The feeding between a mother and their children is a bonding gesture and would be disrespectful for one to watch an act. In respect I turn towards the wall and waited for his answer.

"My tribe was invaded by another. They came out of nowhere. They killed the alphas and captured the betas, omegas and children. I managed to escape thanks to my--"The omega lets out a shaky breath."my alpha sacrificed himself to make sure I escaped safely. I gave birth that evening."

The cave was quiet besides the suckling heard from the baby. I thought about what the omega told me. If he was on his own with a baby it would only put them in more danger by staying out in the open. Sure the forest is wide and thick to hide in but the beasts that wanders will eventually sniff them out, or most likily hear them.

"Why don't you come with me to my tribe."I suggested.

"And why would I do that?"He snarled.

"Because the forest hold danger for you and your child. I know you can take care of yourself but safety out here is limited."I tilt my head back a bit to meet his gaze."My tribe respects omegas if that is what you're thinking. My mother and best friend is an omega, I will treat you like I treat them. Please, if not for yourself then for your child."

The omega huffed but I could tell he was weighing down his options. I waited patiently for his answer.

"Give me some time to think about it."He says softly.

I sighed in disappointment but nodded in understanding. It will take more than a few words to gain his trust. "Of course, I'll be back soon." With that I left the cave and raced back home.

When I returned it was growing dark so the streets weren't busy which made it easier to get to the chief's hut. The smell of alcohol invaded my noise when enter the hut. Chief Pixis sat lazily amongst a pile of bear and mountain lion furs sipping away at his daily alcoholic beverage. I got onto my knees and bowed lowly before him.

"Eren, it is rare for you to visit."Chief said.

"Chief Pixis I ask a favor of you."Asking favor from the chief means I will be in his dept until he too asks me of something in return. Our chief isn't a sadistic bastard like the other neighboring chiefs so I had nothing to be concerned about.

Chief Pixis corrects his posture and sets is drink to the side."What can I help you with my boy?"

Letting out a breath I explain everything."Well sir there's this Omega..."

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