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I woke up feeling well rested. Floretta still slept peacefully in the nest of soft furs. I could smell the aroma of food flowing through the hut which caused my stomach to growl. Stretching the stiffness fork my joints I call out of the nest and exit the room to find Eren making a bowl of what looked like soup with a bit of cut up meat and veggies. He then grabs a plate of cut up fruit and turns around only to jump slightly when he finally noticed me.

"Good morning Levi."He greeted smiling.

"Morning."I replied with my eyes fixated on the food in his hands.

Noticing my staring the alpha chuckled and motioned me to follow him to the eating area which was made of knitted mats and a warm fire in the center.

I sat down as Eren placed the food in front of me."I was going to bring it to you so you could rest up more but since you're up."Eren explained.

Touched by this kind gesture I thanked him before digging in to the meal. It had been forever since I had had a fresh cooked meal. I had to rely on hunting and eating raw meat and berries for few months which isn't too bad but my baby needed something with more nutrients in her little body since I'm her food provider.

Eren retreats to the kitchen before returning with his own meal and sat across from me. We ate in perfect silence, the atmosphere calm and relaxing. Some I missed over the past few months.

Once finished the alpha spoke."Chief Pixis would like to speak with you soon."

My brows furrowed in confusion and worry. Had I done something wrong. Noticing my concern Eren continued quickly before any negative thoughts invaded my mind."Its nothing bad! Its just that he needs information on the pack that attacked your previous one. He believes that yours isn't the only one that had been targeted and that ours will be at risk of being next."

I relaxed at that but I still did not feel at peace at the reveal of that savage pack attack my new one. I didn't want to go through the horrors again and endangering little Flo.

"I'll go after I've feed Floretta."I said.

Eren smiled softly."Okay. I have to go and train. All the hunters and warriors are having to work over time just in case."

As he says this the alpha grabs his daggers and sword and placed them on his person. "You do know the way to the chief's hut correct?"

"Yeah I know where it is."I confirmed.

"Okay, I should be back before sundown. See you later!"With that the alpha waved goodbye as he left the hut.

I huffed seeing that he left his dishes where he sat. Seriously are all alphas messy? Gathering up both his and my dishes I went to the kitchen and cleaned up his mess. Cleaning brought up memories of living in my hut that I shared with my late mate. He was a bit messy but he would try to make an effort to help with the cleaning, but usually failing in the process. I swore theobly thing he managed to clean up was his hair.

I had finished just in time when Floretta started to cry. As I feed her I couldn't but help take in her features. Her skin was pale like mine and her eyes were a stormy grey also like mine. She had a patch of blond hairthat was once bleach blond but had darkened over time and she a straight nose Luke that of her father. I could tell without a doubt that she'll grow up to be like her father even if he is not with us.

"Oh Erwin you fool,"I whispered mournfully. "You are missing out on our daughters life. You better be watching over her in the afterlife."

Erwin without a doubt in my mind would've been dotting on Floretta nonstop. I imagined a life with the bushy browed fool that would've been watching over our daughter like a hawk, protecting her, playing with and teaching her his fighting techniques. A proud dotting father is what he would have been.

I blinked away the tears along with the sadness knowing that Erwin wouldn't want me to think sorrowful thoughts. I must move forward. Dwelling on what could've been won't bring Erwin back. Floretta is the proof that he lived and the reason she is here with me today, I thought with a sniffle.

Floretta unlatched from my nipple to gaze up at me with curious eyes. She lifts up her small chubby hands and pats them against my cheeks trying to make me smile. I left out a watery laugh which made her laugh too.

"You are a special little flower aren't you?"I chuckled.

She only smiled in response.


After feed and changed I hoist Floretta into a sling and headed to the chief's hut. Just like Eren said all the hunters and warriors were training their asses off. They had serious expersions on their faces, ready for anything that will hit them. Although not just as ready once I reveal what I knew to the chief.

The chief, thankfully, was not drinking and the odor of liquor was cleared away. With him was a man, a beta, who looked as though he had been through hell and back. I could smell a hint of liquor linked with his scent. Does everyone in this pack drink so much?

"Welcome Levi,"Greeted Pixis."I believe Eren has informed you of why I requested your presence."

"Yeah, you want to know about that baserker pack right?"I replied.

I take a seat next to the strange beta. Pixis introduced him to me as Captain Hannes. "Well I can tell you this they aren't your average bunch of rogues or tribe."I began."They smelt off. Like they were decaying from the inside and their main goals were to kill besides capturing omegas and the unpresented."

There were those who looked deformed and had no sense of control other than to seek out betas and alphas. He killed and maimed without hesitation. What's even worse is that they even ate a few people while still alive. I could still hear the agonizing walks and pleads for mercy as teeth sunk into their flesh and bone. My mate even lost his arm before he managed to help me flee. He tried to hide his pain from me but I had seen it in his eyes. I was impressed that he managed to stay standing.

"Did you get the name of the invaders?"Pixis asked.

The beta shook beside me. I could smell piss and fear radiating off of him. I suspected he would not be getting any sleep for a while.

"Titans."They made sure that their tribe's name was known. They shouted it proudly almost shocking the earth with their booming voices.

"T-titans!"Hannes gassed in shock.

Pixis didn't seem as surprised though."The titans tribe was once a legend three centuries ago."He explained." They came out of nowhere, raiding packs, devouring anyone in their way. Our ancestors whipped them clean but so we thought. And you say that humans are controlling them?"

I nodded in confirmation. "Then we will need to be ready for anything. If the titans are under the control of skilled minds than we are no longer safe. Hannes."He addressed to the pissed loaned man."Send a few scouts out in search of a place big enough to hide. Be it the mountains or underground for all I care just as long as it is out of reach of those beasts."

"Y-yes sir!"The man quickly leaves barking out orders.

Pixis sighs, his face aging before my eyes."I am sorry for you both to have to go through this again, Levi."

I shook my head."I'm just glade I'm hear to warn you all what you'll be up against unlike my previous pack did."

"And for that I am grateful."Pixis bowed his head low in graditude."And once again welcome to Shinganshina."

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