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Daughter of the dark and moon

hidden in mud

Will meet her match with a bird of prey

Their union will be realized in a fury of

Fur joining feathers.

Destined to turn the tide

of the greatest war

Their love will save us all

It was the last day of her summer break before the start of her 4th year at Hogwarts, and Hermione Granger was again frustrated with her parents. It seemed like lately her temper was getting the best of her. Often she would get so mad that it felt like her entire body was on fire internally. Oddly enough the only things that seemed to calm her was looking upon the moon and hearing 'La Javanaise' by Madeleine Peyroux...a happy discovery at a café she visited in Paris the prior month when she had snuck away from her parents. She had discovered to her delight that the trace was just a thing of myth and since that discovery her first year she had discreetly been using that knowledge to her advantage. She even taught, much to Professor McGonnagal's delight, her familiar crookshanks how to travel via floo. Crooks loved it and Minerva had even set up a tiny floo in her bedroom just for him.

"Don't you walk away young lady! We're not done talking to you! Tell that professor of yours to stop sending you letters by flying bird, it keeps crapping on our car!"

Maybe if you didn't try to shoot it with a BB gun, or shoo it away with a broom it wouldn't do that.. Hermione mused to herself

These have to be the dumbest muggles...Why don't they just get me? Why don't I feel like I fit in? Hermione thought to herself.

They had been fighting again, she wished that she had those loving parents that all the other kids had. The Grangers were not physically abusive by any means, but that didn't mean they approve of her 'defective' ways, meaning magic. How could she be so powerful if she was their kid? To top it off they were often gone during what little time she was home. The few times they did take family trips, she had been forgotten at several filling stations on the way. Seriously how hard is it to count to 1, you have 1 kid...

Known as the brightest witch of her age, she had helped the golden trio on more than one occasion, she loved her brothers but honestly they were just clueless. Harry and Ron had been the friends turned brothers from another mother( a loving euphemism Harry used from some American muggle movie he had claimed) that she wished she had grown up with. It started on that first train ride, and continued when they saved her from that troll in the bathroom and so on from there. She desperately missed friendly faces, but knew tomorrow she would see them again.

Just one calm year, that's all I want.

Hermione had luckily invested enough money in the wizard stocks her first year, using her meager allowance her parents sent her with her first year and had made good on them and now she had enough to live off for about 10 years if need be, not that she told her parents about it. She knew at some point they would grow tired of her deviant magical lifestyle, not to mention if they ever found out she was gay...Merlin she would never hear the end of that lecture, and probably would find herself homeless, ...better safe than sorry, so she invested and saved to secure her future, not to mention to add to feed her voracious appetite for books and learning.

Professor Mcgonagall had owled her over the summer often to recommend books and guest lectures close to her parents flat, to challenge the young Gryffindor. This and her nightly climb to her roof to gaze at the calming moon while absentmindedly munching on a French baguette, was the only respite she would receive in the warm months away from Hogwarts.

Unlike Harry's relatives, her parents didn't put up any fight on stopping her from going, quite the contrary. For as much as they disapprove of magic, they loved the freedom of not having to raise their weirdo daughter most of the year.

"HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER! YOUR STUPID CAT JUST"....at this point she just chuckled to herself, tuned them out, and started heading downstairs, her parents hated magic, but they really hated her cat...much to Hermione's delight crookshanks I really love you

Just one more day...

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