Dealing with men was more easier.
The leader of the family Piero liked having her around. He trusted her enough to make her read for him all his post and write a reply for him.
Ginevra earned to learn most about the family's financial situation and the political troubles of Florence and all the other countries.
Lorenzo never forgot to write long, accurated reports of his diplomatic missions in the branches of the family's bank, first in Venice and Milan, then in Rome and Naples. And he attached a letter for Ginevra, that she couldn't read alone because Piero imposed her to read it aloud to him too.
Luckily Lorenzo just described the wonders he visited, trying to share with her the emotions he was feeling. And Ginevra felt a bit like she was traveling with him.
"Don't move. Stay right there".
She just ended reading the last letter but Piero barely listened while staring at her. He unlocked his drawer and took out the portrait he was secretly making and started to draw.
Ginevra got used to that, even if it was boring for her.
Piero enjoyed being an artist more than a politician and a banker.
Giuliano would have become like him, although he enjoyed acting like a rebel.

Ginevra tied her hair and knocked loudly on the door.
Giuliano's annoyed voice replied and when she walked into his room his eyes widened like an enemy army just surrounded him
"Let's go, little master, time to go on a trip" she said solemnly.
"Are you mad? What trip?" He snapped shocked without blinking.
"Florence needs its master. Or are you too lazy?".
He obeyed and diffidently accepted the old cloak she gave him to wear.
She led him to the stables where the new swordmaster Guglielmo was holding two horses ready for them.
"That's not a good idea" he whispered to her while Giuliano jumped on his horse.
"You don't trust me?" She said maliciously.
"It's more than that. If something happens...".
"I have Madonna Lucrezia's permission. If she trusts me, you should do it as well" she rolled her eyes and climbed her horse, hurrying to leave.
Giuliano was bewildered but followed her. At she gates she shot him a challenging glance, then spurred her horse to a fast ride, forcing him to do the same for not being left behind.
They slowed down only at the gates of the city.
"You are crazy, Ginevra" the boy said exhausted as the horses were.
"Does it mean that you're scared?".
"I'm not scared. It's just that you're more reckless than me".
"Well, that's good" she smirked and trotted past the walls and entered the city.
She led him to a trusty stable, as she said to her young master, and there they left the horses.
Giuliano gazed suspiciously at the stable man who accepted his job without saying any word and filled him with recommendations, until Ginevra suggested him to hurry to do his duties.
She crossed the young man's stare and slightly nodded to him.
She accompanied the boy to his family's new palace, where he was welcomed by the accountant who was running the affairs in the city.
Then she walked back to the stable, where Giacomo was taking care of the horses.
"Why did you bring him here?" He asked annoyed "He definitely prefers his servants' job".
"To let you know we came here. It's just a fast trip. I have to bring him back to his family before the sunset".
"And his escort?".
"I'm his escort".
"Only you and the kid alone? That's insane!".
"I heard it from everyone now" she rolled her eyes grabbing his arm and forcing him to have a walk with her in the narrow streets "We have bigger things to deal with".
Giacomo ended up accepting that she belonged to the Medici and helped her spying the political situation of their city.
They were used to meet secretly and share what they had discovered.
"With the confusion in Milan now and your master sick, the Pitti will surely attack. Ginevra, I'm really worried for you now".
"And I am for the Medici. Piero isn't fully aware of the risks, he still believes he has enough power to control everything".
"He's wrong. His enemies are getting more powerful. I'm really afraid that we are supporting a losing side. If only the pater patriae was here..".
"He'd know what to do" she cut off bitterly "I have bad feelings about this".
"I'll keep an eye on Pitti and warn you if I have proves of any plot".
"Piero thinks of moving back to Florence. It's like jumping into the lion's mouth" she glanced at the cages with real lions that were the main attraction of the street.
"We can't do much. Just the two of us against such wealthy families?".
"We can try to prevent some tragedy".
"How? Ginevra, I got proves that they have the support of the Este too. And I heard rumours that an army is coming to support them".
She scoffed at that "They wouldn't dare. The Florentine people would react to that. The Medici are still loved by the common people".
"Common people are easily corrupted, specially if a war starts. Please, be careful, I'll come to warn you if I'll discover more, I can even go and face Piero de Medici himself if I know you are in danger".
She hugged him "I'll talk to him, there's no need for you to act as a hero or a fool. Be careful too, okay?".
He sighed "Deal".

The Art of Power and Love ( A Medici Masters of Florence the Magnificent fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now