Chapter 5

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The journey back to the villa in Careggi was quiet.
Cosimo was sleepy. Ginevra held his warm hand but she and Lorenzo were both speechless.
The girl woke from her thoughts when at their arrival  she heard servants updating about what they missed and caught the name of fra Goffredo.
At first occasion she sneaked away to interrogate Bernardo.
"He just wanted to say some prayers with the masters and then left" the swordmaster explained with worry in front of her clear fluster.
"Is it normal that he comes so frequently?".
"Not much. He comes when he wants to".
Ginevra scoffed at him.
"He didn't look like he had other porpuses" he reacted "He didn't ask for anything. Perhaps he just wanted to greet the family before leaving for Rome".
"But he didn't say he was going to Rome, right?".
The man shrugged but nodded, stepping closer to her.
"Hey, you don't have to worry. You're safe here" he took her face into his hands but she kept her eyes away from his gaze "I swear I'll keep you safe".
She stepped back and away from his hands "I hope you can".

Ginevra had sleep problems for some years, she believed she recovered from it, instead the sleepless nights were back again.
She hated her own bad aspect in the next morning and seeing that Cosimo didn't look much better made her feel worse.
"Is something wrong?" He asked touching her messy hair and then her check.
"I'm fine" she took his hand and kissed it "But you can't say the same for yourself".
"I just feel tired. I don't want you to worry".
"I wish I can help you, heal you".
He smiled with a bit of sadness "I have money, power. But nothing is compared to you. Your presence makes me feel much better than you can ever imagine. I'm just an old man, Ginevra. That's life, that's natural".
"That's unfair" she complained.
He sighed heavily with his head low and shrugged.
"You need some fresh air. If I was a bit healthier I'd have taken you to a ride on these lovely fields around here".
She grabbed his arm "I like to stay here with you".
"I'm busy with reports from the banks now. Boring stuff. I don't want you to get bored".
She opened her mouth to reply but he glanced over her shoulder and called loudly.
"Lorenzo! Are you practicing hunting today?".
The girl turned to see the boy stopping near the main entrance, his fingers nervously trying to button up his jacket.
"Yes. I'm getting ready as you see".
"Good. Can you show Ginevra your hawk?".
Lorenzo's face brightened up when his eyes rested on her "Sure. It's a pleasure".
"Your stallion is strong enough for carrying you two?".
"I can ride myself" Ginevra  hurried to claim "Or I can walk and run".
Cosimo patted his hand on her shoulder "There are many horses here ready for you. You can take mine".
She wanted to complain, but in front of his deep blue eyes she ended up saying "Thanks".
"Be careful, okay?".
He glanced at his grandson "Her safety is in your hand. If anything happens to her you'll take the responsibilities. And come bsck for lunch".
"Of course, grandfather. I'll take care of her more than my own life".
She rolled her eyes and walked passed him "There's no need for that".
She turned her head just to wave  her hand to Cosimo one last time, satisfied to see him staring at her.

Lorenzo led her to the stables, where some servants were readying his horse and were asked to bring also the master's one.
A bit nervous, Ginevra watched them from the doorstep.
The boy put on a thick glove, where moments later a big hawk settled on.
Lorenzo walked to her solemnly while she was staring at the bird with wonder and a bit of fear.
"It's magnificent" she said breathless.
"It is" he said proudly "Do you want to take it?".
She stepped back frowning "Not now, I'd say".
The servants helped them jumping on two horses, then the two young people trotted towards the woods.
Ginevra didn't ride for many years and felt awkward at first, also because she imagined the times Cosimo traveled on that same horse. But soon she felt more comfortable also thanks to Lorenzo, who was very talkative and liked to describe her the lands they were crossing that were new to her.
Quite clumsily he let the hawk fly and they  jumped down from the horses and had to wait.
He started to talk about a celebration that was imminent in the villa.
"You should join us" he said whilebs he kept her attention at the sky expecting the hawk to come back.
"Me? Nah" she said crossing the boy's eyes, that she knew had been lingering on her for a long time while she focused on the hunt.
"Why not? You're my guest. You can borrow any fancy dress for the occasion. You won't feel out of place, trust me".
"Lorenzo, it's unappropriate" she stated a bit coldly but soon softened her tone "So please don't insist".
He swallowed and looked up to spot his hawk coming back. He extended his gloved hand to make it land there.
Ginevra smiled seeing that the hawk carried a small bird.
"I hoped for a rabbit, but this is better than nothing" Lorenzo commented with a satisfied grin, then walked to the girl "Do you want to make it fly?".
She raised her hands "I don't think it's a good idea".
"Why not? You can use a sword, you ride like a valkyrie, why couldn't you hold a hawk. Don't worry, I can teach how to do it. First, wear this".
He handed her another big leather glove he had hunged on his belt.
She obeyed then he gave her a piece of meat to attract the hawk from his to her hand.
Ginevra startled when the bird landed on her hand and she realized it was heavier than she thought. But most of all she was amazed by its beauty. His beak took the piece of meat from her finger and she imagined it was able to rip her own meat away.
"Raise your arm to let it fly" Lorenzo stepped closer but she didn't notice it until he placed a hand under her arm.
She followed his instruction, but he grabbed her arm "Slowly. Like this".
He guided her arm higher until the hawk spread its wide wings making the girl jumped back and it flew away.
She realized she bumped against the boy, who rested his other hand on her waist to keep her balance.
Ginevra reacted stepping away from him and that embarrassing situation.
"I'm sorry" she said quickly.
"What for? You did it well" he grinned.
She smiled back "Yeah, it was really awesome. Thanks. For making me try".
"My pleasure. You can join me whenever you want. I just suggest you to avoid the hunting competitions that sometimes entertain our guests".
"That's not a problem".
He kept talking and she was more persuaded that he was really going to become a great leader for his family.
Later the hawk came back with another small bird.
The sun was high in the sky, so the two people agreed it was time to go back to the villa.

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