Adalind's Surprise

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Author's Note - this is my first request from a reader about Nick's surprise proposal to Adalind, so i hope you like this one ;)

Nick's P.O.V

I have to do this the right way. In a special way. I've been thinking of how to express my love and adoration for the right woman in my life, but never in a million years would I expect that woman to be Adalind Schade. Well, it won't be "Schade" for much longer. Yeah, that's right. I'm proposing, and I hope she says yes, unlike Juliette did after we got back from a "romantic" week away in a cabin. After she changed and betrayed my trust, it was hard to look at her in the eye after Meisner arranged a meeting for me and her. I may be civil with Eve but it still pains my heart to think about that. After that, I never thought I could love again. But now I have. This time, I'm doing it right.

I already bought her an engagement ring at the jewellery store of where we first saw each other. The first Wesen I had ever saw, and the first Grimm she had seen. I'm pretty sure she'll love it. It's a real classic silver diamond jewel shaped as a heart with gems around it. The best for her. Diana was the first person to know about it, because I felt like I needed her blessing, since I'll be her step-father.

As she made breakfast, she levitated the tray of freshly cooked bacon and eggs with a warm cup of coffee to the table. I lightly kissed her forehead and thanked her. I felt like this was a good time to ask her, since Adalind and Kelly are with Rosalee shopping for the upcoming triplets.

"Hey, Diana? I need to ask you something."

"Sure, go ahead." she smiled happily.

I made her sit down, and she furrowed her eyebrows in curiosity. She knew this was something quite serious. 

"Is everything okay, Nick?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. The thing is, Diana, is that I want to ask your mom to marry me...if that's okay with you."

She stood up and I was worried of her reaction, so I closed my eyes ready for whatever she was going to do, but instead all I heard was a delightful scream, and she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck so tight. Finally out of shock, I then returned the embrace.

"Ahh! This is so exciting! A wedding!"

"You're really okay with this?"

"Nick, I know mommy and daddy don't love each other, and all I want for mommy is to be happy, and I see that she is everytime she's with you."

That brought a smile to my face and warmth got to my heart.

"Thank you D. So you want to help me pick out a ring?"

An overwhelming look of excitement came over her face and she nodded her head.

I finally came up with the idea of how to do it without us having to leave the house. I felt like it was a good idea to move back into my old house, since everything with Blackclaw and the Zerstorer was finally over, I could be at peace in the house of memories (see what I did there? p!atd fans where you at ;)). 

Adalind's P.O.V.

After hours in court, I was exhausted, and all I wanted to do was to get out of my clothes and go to bed, but apparently that isn't happening, since as soon as I opened the front door, the first thing I saw was rose petals on the floor in a trail leading somewhere. I decided to follow it, and near the stairs was a small bouquet and a picture next to it. A photo of a jeweller's store and some handwriting on it saying "Where we first saw each other". 

I smiled and then I walked upstairs until I stopped again in the middle of the stairs. Another photo, but instead its the Bremen Ruins and the writing says "Our first kiss ;)." I grinned and chuckled to myself at the memory, and it surprises me sometimes of how far we've come. As I got to the top of the stairs, the trail got into mine and Nick's bedroom. I followed, and on top of the bed, our son was there sound asleep with his little blue onesie, still making my heart melt, and then I noticed a card with the recognisable handwriting "Where we made Kelly and my life finally changed for the better :)."

I grinned widely and I just assumed that Nick did this to be romantic, but I got so much more, because as I turned around, I saw Nick, in the flesh, down on one knee and holding the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. Just the view made the tears brim in my eyes, blurring some of my vision. Him being his witty self, he had to say, 

"I bought the ring at the place we saw each other, just to go with the theme."

I laughed and he shown a grin with his pearly whites that make me swoon every time.

"Adalind, I know we didn't have the best relationship at first. Actually, scratch that, we wanted to kill each other. But as time went on, I grew attracted to you, and that happened when I had to kiss you to take your powers. I knew it was wrong of me, since I was in a relationship, but I couldn't deny that you drew me in. After you had Diana, I knew that you had changed, because instead of going for revenge, you were doing anything to get your child back, and I couldn't admire you more for that. We have fought for our love, and I experienced what it would be like to lose you, and I don't want to go down that road. Since we won that fight, I want to celebrate, so Adalind Schade, will you do me the amazing honour of becoming my wife?"

By this time, I had tears streaming down my face and short catchy breaths. I couldn't be happier and the only word I could choke out was, 


A look of relief spread through his body and face, and I wrapped my arms around him, and he hugged me tighter, almost as if he'll never let me go. We finally got free from the hug, and he then slipped the ring on my ring finger. I gasped at the beauty of it and he finally pressed his lips onto mine, but then I stopped him for a second, 

"Wait, how did you want to celebrate?"

"Oh, that's something that Kelly shouldn't be here for."

I got the message, so I cradled Kelly and placed him in his basset in the spare bedroom, a.k.a Diana's room. Thank god she's with Sean right now. I got back to our room, and I saw my fiance only in this boxers, standing there waiting for me.

As I stripped in front of him, he picked me up and threw me under him, with my back hitting the bed. He then leaned down and whispered, 

"I love you."

Of course, I returned the exchange and he sent me into the land of pure pleasure and we slept blissfully until our dear son gave us a wake up call. 

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