Nurse's Assistant

Start from the beginning

It said your name, written with that same handwriting,p and that same blue pen. Why was your name on this person's paper? You read on.

"I'm never going to be able to say this without writing it down, that's how lame I am. See, it's sort of like this. I really, really like you, _____. Every time I see you in the halls my life stops right there. I love seeing you and talking to you, but it hurts me to see you hurt like that. I want to protect you, _____, because I...well, yeah, like I said. I'm stupid, and I said it already, but I'll say it again. I love you. I'm so sorry if this is creepy. I really don't want it to be, but if I held back my feelings any longer, I'd explode. Anyway, sorry for wasting your time. I just wanted to tell you how I felt.

"-Kaito Shion"

You sucked in a breath after reading the letter. Kaito liked you? He was going to somehow give this note to you as a confession? Suddenly, the sound of footsteps pulled you out of your jumbled up thoughts and you hurriedly put the note back into Kaito's open bag, not having enough time to worry about how you had gotten some blood on it.

"_____, are you okay?" Kaito walked in with some fresh ice and looked at your red face worriedly, "You look sick..."

"I'm fine," you nodded briskly.

He smiled and your gaze snapped to his mouth and the way his lips curled up and made that perfect smile. He sat down on his chair and leaned forward, pressing the cold bag of ice against your cheek, making you blush.

"I can do it!" You accidentally snapped, taking the bag from Kaito. He looked surprised and hurt. You could practically hear the sound of your heart shattering and you began cursing at yourself. Why did you have to hurt this boy? You liked him, and he liked you back! It was just a matter of time before he confessed.

"I'm sorry," Kaito looked down at the ground, "May I...apply the bandages to your forehead, at least, _____?"

You couldn't say no, not after you had just hurt him so badly. Slowly, you nodded and the boy began wiping your forehead with a cloth soaked with antiseptic. You winced, the stinging sensation catching you by surprise.

"It's okay...," Kaito's voice was as gentle as his touch, the way he carefully cleaned your wound, "Just a little more..."

"Right," you whispered, feeling his eyes on you. He wasn't smiling or frowning; he seemed deep in thought, as though he was concentrating on something. That something seemed to be you and your hurt forehead.

"There we go," he pulled the cloth away and smiled, "That wasn't so bad, eh?"

You nodded, swallowing slowly. Your heart was still soaring from the note you had just read, and it was going to be hard to wait till next week. Kaito was right there, in front of you, and he liked you, and you liked him, too, but you were going to have to wait.

"_____, if you don't tilt your head up, I won't be able to do this," Kaito said.

"Huh?" You looked at him. He was holding the bandages in his hand, looking at you and waiting patiently, "Sorry..."

You tilted your head up and Kaito got to his feet, standing in front of you. He started to wrap the bandage around your forehead slowly, tightening it and finally tying them up to hold them in place.

"There we go!" He looked down at her with a huge smile. He was about to go on, you could tell, but then a girl knocked on the open door. You frowned. She looked familiar, like a student, but a little older than you. She was beautiful, too.

Kaito turned to look at her and they both laughed, starting up a lively conversation. You grimaced a little. A small flame of jealously flickered inside of you, but then you realized: Kaito probably dated the letter a week ahead because he still wasn't sure how he felt about you. He didn't love you, not yet, anyway, you were starting to doubt if he ever would, with the way that girl was practically flirting with him.

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