Blood Sacrifice Chapter Two

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For the next couple days, Linken didn't visit me. Alliya brought the blood and even though I was disgusted at the thought, I still drank it. I've tried to ignore the blood, but after a day or so, my throat burned and I got weak. As I sat in the room, memories started to come back to me. My mother laughed as she pushed a little dark haired girl on the swings, the little girl holding hands with an even younger boy. Those were my family members, my mum and my little brother. Tears came to my eyes. I was surprised I was still capable of doing that.

I remember my name; Alexis.

I remembered the night when I was taken. I had been walking home from a friend's house when I noticed a dark car parked on the empty street. The windows were all tinted and I couldn't see who it was inside. As I drew closer, someone came up from behind me and wrapped a hand around me face. I could smell something wrong and tried to resist, but it was too strong. My eye lips felt heavy dropped. The next thing I know, I was at the institute. I hated that man, Linken. He had taken me away from my family and turned me into a monster. I vowed on the day I would kill him.

Four days later Linken came back. He was wearing a leather jacket and dark jeans with his hair down. Alliya was in also in a slim leather jacket with dark leggings. Her hair was pinned back in a messy bun.

"Hello." Linken said. "I hoped you've calmed down."

"I have." I said. "Please forgive me for my manners the other day." Everything I did that day was a lie. I was purposely trying to make Linken trust me. There were many things I didn't know and he was going to teach me before I killed him.

"That's better." Linken said. "We're going out hunting. Alliya thought you might want to come. I'll introduce you to the gang."

"Gang?" I asked.

"That's right. Aside from being a scientist, I'm also a gang leader." He said. "Would you like to come?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Alliya will lend you some clothes." Linken said.

"Come." Alliya gestured.

Alliya pushed the door opened and we began walking down the dark hallway. Dim lights were attached to either sides of the wall and gave off weak flickering rays of light.

"It's night time." Alliya said. "It's easier for us to hunt at night. We blend in better."

I considered the thought of running away, but I knew Alliya could catch me without a problem.

"So, why am I not as strong at you yet?" I asked looking at my bear feet.

"You haven't completed the full change. We only did the blood exchange six days ago. It takes at least a week before you completely mature?"

"Then what?"

"Then you're a full fledge vampire." Alliya said eagerly, "Oh it's going to be so much fun!"

"Is it?" I asked and looked at Alliya.

"What do you mean?" She questioned a little confused.

"How long ago were you turned?" I inquired.

She paused before she answered. "Eighty six years ago. After Linken, I'm the second oldest vampire."

"They all must be pretty young here."

"Yes. The gang only started six years ago." She said.

"Was it your choice?" My voice got quiet.

"No," She said softly. "It wasn't my decision, but after a while, I figured it would be the best thing."

Alliya pushed a door open. It was a bedroom. The walls were black and a bed sat in the corner.

"From now on this is going to be your bedroom." Alliya said. "You better shower first. There are towels already there. I'll go and get you some clothes. Please hurry." Alliya disappeared in a flash.

I stripped out of my disgusting grey clothing and washed my hair and self quickly. I stepped in front of the mirror scared to see my reflection. The girl had long dark straight hair that reached almost her elbows. Her lips were bright red and her eyes were black and piercing. She was absolutely beautiful. I recognised the familiar face, but at the same time she was a complete stranger.

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Are you done?" Alliya said.

"Yes." I answered and wrapped a towel around myself. Alliya handed me a pile of clothes. I quickly got dresses. Alliya gave me a red sweater with dark blue jeans. The jeans were a little tight, but I guess that just means I have a curvier figure.

"You look nice." Alliya said once I stepped out of the room.

I smiled. Alliya was a true friend. She wasn't just being nice to me because she was told to. I could tell from her eyes.

"Thank you." I replied.

"Let's go meet the group." Alliya said opening the door and continued down the hallway. At the end of the hallway was large black room with two glass doors. This was surely the entrance. Linken and five others were standing there.

"Alexis, you look beautiful." Linken said. "Let's introduce you to the crew. This is Valentine." Linken said and pointed at a grinning young boy. He had ruffled brown hair with large round blue eyes. He looked about sixteen, two years younger than me. Valentine waved at me with a great smile.

"This is Stephan." Stephan was a skinny blonde boy with dark eyes. He smiled at me.

"This is Veronyx." Linken gestured to a girl with short black hair. The tips were dyed purple. She also smiled at my presence.

"Alexis, this is Nathan." Nathan was a tall boy with jet black hair. His hands were in his pockets and he was leaning against the wall. He didn't even look up at me.

"Finally, this is Derek." Derek was a muscular guy with short spiked hair.

"Hello Alexis," Derek said, "How are you?"

"Good." I said keeping my voice cool.

"Do you know how to ride a bike?" Veronyx asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"You'll have to ride with someone tonight." Linken said. "You're bike is coming, but it hasn't arrived yet."

"That's too bad." I said.

"You can ride with me!" Valentine said. "I'll take her and teach her the routine."

"Thank you Valentine." I said when he took my arm.

"Call me Val." He said smiling. Val seemed like a friendly person.

The eight of us went outside. Linken and Alliya led the group as we went on the back. There were seven bikes parked at the back. Val went on a shiny black on and I sat down behind him. He passed me a black helmet and I put it on.

"Don't worry, it's new." Val said when he saw my expression. I smiled.

Others had already mounted their own bikes. Linken, Alliya and Stephan were also on a black bike. Veronyx was on a purple bike while Derek and Nathan were on their blue bikes.

"Hold on tight." Val said as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

The bikes growled and we headed off into the night.

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