Chapter 7

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I'm sooowwwwyyy!!

"Eh? Jinyoung-hyung? Since when did you been there?" Daehwi asked when he noticed the latter, still ignoring both of his annoying overprotective friends -well everyone are, but these two are the top one-.

Still munching, he replied "Since the very beginning"

"Ouh... eh wait? why are you're still here hyung?"

"I wanted to go to the cafe you work. So I asked them if I can join them and they said yes"

And there's Jihoon same position as Woojin, hugging Daehwi's waist whispers, low enough for Daehwi not hearding it "We've been forced" glaring at Jinyoung.

" Well, having cup of coffee is nice to relax right?" Jinyoung smiles.

"Don't fall for that devil, he will eat all of my durian crepes and Jihoon's sushi that you bought from Japan if we don't agreed with him" Woojin whispers.

"Well he can eat that durian crips, nobody loves it anyway" Jihoon rolls his eyes.

"Yah! You're the only one that's hate it! They're delicious! They called king of the fruits for reasons!" (yes woojin they called king of the fruits for reasons)

"Yah, Wooji-" "Hyung, let me go" Daehwi sundenly cuts Jihoon's words.

"Eh?" They both confuzed at Daehwi's words. Two seconds later, their faces lit up.

"Uwaaaaahhh!! Daehwi finally talk to me, forgive me Daehwi!!" "Hwi-ah!! I promise that I will never do that again, forgive us!!"

Their hug are now tightened while crying out loud, making Daehwi even more annoyed.

"Fine, fine!! Stop it! I will forgive you guys if you two stop!"

Like that, they let go of Daehwi's tiny waist and stand straight. Daehwi who's free from the grips, immediately stomping out of the school. "Both of you really look like puppies obeying their master" Jinyoung snickered, slowly following the said master. "If that's Daehwi want, I'll do it without hesitant" state Jihoon. You can see his tail is wagging, if he even have a tail. Woojin? He's long gone, following his master like a loyal puppy wagging his tail.

"Damn, looks like Daehwi will have a third puppy" he whispers.

So the master and his three big puppies are on the adventure to arrive at the Wanna Cafe before the dawn, except this is not an adventure and Woojin,Daehwi and Jihoon are late for their work 1 hour ago and they're definately gonna get scold. Definately...

-at wanna cafe-

"You guys are late!! L. A. T. E. LATE!! FOR ONE HOUR! AND NOBODY EVEN CALL ME!! I ALREADY TOLD THAT IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING YOU HAVE TO TELL ME!!" That's Jisung's rage everyone. Yup, as we predicted. Now another lecture session starts in the middle of the staffroom. The three of them lowered their heads, refusing making an eyes contact with the owner.

"I'm sorry Jisung-hyung... I will never do that again" Daehwi sobs. Jisung's reddened face immediately turns to soft and worried one then he hugs Daehwi. Hands rubs the younger's back lovingly.

"You will call me if you have something, eoh? It's that, I was worried! If something happened to you guys I will never forgive myself. You understand?" His hands cupped on the Daehwi's cheeks, making the younger even more cute. Daehwi nods. He knew he can't get mad at them especially Daehwi. He thinks of him as his own son. Also the other, they're like a family for him.

Jisung smiles. "Okay, now go change into your uniform. I want you guys get ready and serve the customers. Busy hours are already started" and he walks out of the room.

Letting out their breaths after Jisung left that they're holding it from the biginning and fly themself to Daehwi, once again huggung him tigh. "Hwi-ah you're our savior, huhuhu we not ever know how it will be when you're not here"

"Hwi-ah marry me!!" Ofcourse it's can't be heard because of other's loud voice.

"Aish hyung. We better get ready before Jisung-hyung comes back and scold us again"

"Alright Hwi-ah!" Both of them shout, receieve a sudden energy to keep fighting.

So they change into their uniforms. It's not actually uniform, it's just a blue apron and they just have to take out their school jackets. Jihoon and Woojin done with their aprons but Daehwi's still struggling with the strings.

Woojin notices the younger struggles, tells Jihoon to go ahead. Jihoon wants to refuse but nods anyway when he meet Woojin glares. Pout, he heads to the counter outside the staffroom, leaving Woojin and struggling Daehwi alone....

Woojin walks closer to Daehwi and help him knot the strings. "Aigo, even though you already grown up, you still can't tie things. Tsk, tsk, I wonder how will you live without me"

"Yah, I can tie pretty well Mr.Park. It just I can't see what's behind me!" He defends.

"Or it's just because your hands are short" Woojin mumbles.


"All done! See, perfect!" He states, taking a few step backwards to checking his works. A perfect ribbon at the back of Daehwi's tiny waist, not too tight, not too loose. To be honest, Woojin really proud of his works.

"Hmm... not bad. Thanks Wiwie-hyung~" Daehwi smiles at Woojin after looking at the body mirror next to the lockers.

Woojin steps forward towards Daehwi while gently grabbing the smaller shoulder until his back touches the gaps between the lockers and the mirror.


"Hehe, now I'm fully recarged" said Woojin, grinning till his snaggletooth visible then running out of the room leaving a stunned/blushing hard Daehwi behinds.

"Idiot" he mumbles, hand on the right cheek,the place that Woojin kissed.


"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! What the?! Did I seriously do that?!" He's having a mental shutdown right now. Hands are on his burning cheeks while pacing back and forth behind the counter.

"Yo! Woojinie, ya okay there?" Seongwoo asks after having enough of Woojin's weirdness.

He stopped to take deep breaths, and thinking of fluffy unicorn dancing on the rainbow. He looks at confused Seongwoo, then the staff door. Boy, It's a bad idea when the memory starts flooded in his mind.

"Dammit dammit dammit" he shrieks, smacking his burning cheeks. "Why did I do that again? Oh right, because he's being cute and call me 'Wiwie' and me automatically kiss him because it's what we always do when we were younger but I stopped doing that out of embrassment and he probably forget bout it because he still small munchkin and I'm an idiot saying 'I'm fully recarged now!' And we will be awkward toward each other then he will hates me and start to ignore me and and we will never getting married and and-"


Jihoon hits Woojin's head just because he want to do that. "Wow, wow, wow, man. Chill out. What happenned that cause you to be like this?" Well, it's effective.

Groanned, he rubs his head "oh I just thinking that I should send you to Nannya...." he grumbles.


"Yeah, Nannya business"



Im so sorry it took so long to update, writting block... and short, but hey each chapter 1200 words long.
I know some of you-- scratch that, lot of you guys shipping chamhwi like brotherly love(and its so cute ohmagash!!) But this is allhwi yo, gonna make the love love happen.
I hope you all enjoy as much as I write it. Thank you.

(>/////<) <~ this was my reaction when Im writing the kiss part...idk why


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