Touring With Whom?

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"Well alrighty let's head out!" James walked out the door and we automatically followed him.

Y'know, Audrey and I were used to being stared at. But the kind of staring we were getting this time was different. It wasn't even the type of stare 'Oh they think they're so special getting escorted out by James.' due to the fact that no one at our school even knew who he was, or cared to know. But I didn't give a flying fuck.

Hello??? We're going on tour with James fucking Dewees. This was such a perfect opportunity to learn from him.

"We're going to South Beginning Studios and your mothers are meeting us there. You know, to discuss everything. There process, being on the road. It's not TOO long a tour, only 4 months." James explained as we followed him up to a semi beat up van. It was actually the same vehicle that was used for the Death Spells tour. He unlocked the van and we all stepped in as he started the ignition.

"4 months?" Audrey spoke up. "Do you really thing we're ready for this?

I nudged her quickly. "Of course we're ready." I whispered conceitedly as a joke.

"I mean, that's the thing. You guys are rookies am I right? So why not take you guys and teach you a thing or two, mentor you. We don't need anymore snot-nosed know it alls coming with us." He laughed it off as he starting to drive.



As in not just James. As in more people. Plural. Not just him. Plus the other bands too.

"Wait I'm sorry. You didn't exactly tell us what bands we're roadie-ing for... Reggie...? The Get Up Kids...?" I asked slowly.

"Does it matter?" He asked not looking at either. I felt a hint of attitude. Guess I was asking too many questions and he was now annoyed by me. Wow, great job Taylor. He probably now doesn't like you and the damn tour didn't even start yet. I stayed quiet, trying not to bug him anymore.
He stopped at the red light that was just ahead then turned to look at us.
"Oh relax I'm just joking around." James said now looking to me and laughing heartily. I chuckled but still stayed quiet, refraining from anymore questions. I mean. That's why we were having this meeting, with our parents involved. It's all serious business, and we'll get all the information then about everything. No biggie.


Almost an hour of driving on the highway he pulls out of an exit and starts driving to the building, things start to look familiar.

We get to the building our parents and my mother and Audrey's mother standing patiently. "Yeah so the bands are Leathermouth, DS and Reggie and tagging along with us is Science, to open. You guys cool with that?" James said getting out of the car and we did the same.
My eyes went wide in realization. Frank Iero was in two of those bands. Crap I wasn't allowed to scream and fangirl. I looked at Audrey who was coming next to me squeezing my arm to death as we followed James to the door where our moms greeted us with excited smiles and we did the same back.

We all went up two flights and sat on the couch in the hall. James continued walking and watched us saw sit on the couch. He goes into one of the rooms. "You girls excited?! I know this is something you've always wanted!" My mom whispered to us excitedly.
Hell yeah I was excited but I had to do the rational thinking of relationship.
"Are you really comfortable with us going on a four month tour?" I asked to quietly. I wanted to go so bad... I really didn't mind going, I just didn't want our parents coming with us. I mean I wasn't planning on rebelling and being a bad kid or doing the things on this tour I just wasn't supposed to. I just wanted to prove that I can do things without having parents supervision.
"I had a talk with Audrey's mom and we trust you both very much. I don't know if you were expecting us to come with you but we're not going to. Just keep your phone on you at all times." My mom said smiling but said the phone part sternly.
"You can't actually be serious..." Audrey said looking at her mom.
"Yup." Her mom simply said. "We're actually leaving now." She said looking at us both. "We had a meeting with the all the guys already being James went to pick you up. Which he offered. Such a sweet guy. Plus I can imagine you guys were super surprised." She said grinningi. "We just wanted to kiss you guys goodbye and we had to bring you guys luggages with everything you girls needed..."
"Which is somewhere in the back of this place, I don't know where the guys took it but it's here." My mom said finishing Audrey's mother's sentence. They said hugging us both. We swore we'd be safe, we said our "I love yous" and goodbyes...

I could not get over how incredibly cool they were about this.
They both walked out of the building and Audrey and I were alone in the hallway.
I was suddenly nervous. Actually, anxious.
We were gonna be alone with these guys for FOUR months.
I would scream SO loud right now but everyone in the building would hear me and I want to try and stay professional.

We sat in the hallway for over 25 minutes patiently. Well, kind of patiently. I was just so ready for this! And I'm pretty sure I have ADHD so I have a hard time literally staying still. I wanted to get up wander around the building and observe everything, but obviously I'm not in any position to be doing that.

Audrey sighed out annoyed. "What is taking so long what are we even waiting for?"
I looked at her. I totally understood. "Lemme just--" I said getting up. "I'm gonna look for anyone." I said now walking past a couple of doors that we shut. I peeked in one of the opened doors, empty.
I walked past another door that was opened but I forgot to look in. I took a couple of steps back and looked in. Some guy who had his back to me taking off his shirt whom picking up another one to put on. Subconsciously I payed attention to his skin.

Well shit.

It didn't completely register it, but all those tattoos. 'Oh Frank.'
I thought then shrugged.
'OH wAiT fRaNk!¡' I thought louder in my head feeling myself double chin and took some steps back not wanting to be seen by him. I put my head back in the room to look at him again. Do I says something? Tell him we've been waiting for someone or something? No it's okay... If he wasn't changing his clothes or whatnot it wouldn't have been awkward to say 'hey dude hi, um so uh, what are we waiting for?'

I was just about to tip toe run my way back to Audrey to tell her. I turned and then-- "hey." I heard a voice speaking to me and I turned back quickly.

Frank was leaning on the frame of the door looking at me. "What's up?" He gave a have smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2015 ⏰

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