Tag Along

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A grin plastered on his face. We stood up.

"Ah... You're the two! Nice seeing you guys again!"

'Again...' I thought, a bit still in shock. Audrey and I hadn't seen 'Dewees' as everyone else called him, for months now. Last time we saw him was on the set of one of recent Reggie music videos that we were extras on.

We stared up at him obviously still clueless to why he was here...in our school...looking for...us. I mean, I didn't mind at all but still, I'm still, I'm allowed to be curious.

There was silence again as we all stared at each other. "So wait, why are you here?" I asked hoping I didn't seem like I asked with attitude.

"To pick you two lady chickens up!" He answered without any thought followed by a cheesy grin. Audrey and I looked at each other about to laugh.I looked back up at James. "That doesn't tell us anything." I responded laughing.

"Ah, okay well you see," he started, putting his hands in his pockets then started doing that 5 year old thing where he rocked tippy-toe to the heels of his feet, and inhaled deeply seeming like he had a long story to tell. "I'm going on tour again, and everyone is allowed to bring an assistant or two..." he continued, still looking at us, "So do you guys know anyone...?" he asked jokingly.

"No, sorry man, we don't know anyone unfortunately." Audrey responded sarcastically.

I snapped my head in her direction looking at her confused.

"Perfect!" James said enthusiastically, startling us both. "Might as well just have you two teenies come with!"

"Oh my god..." I said under my breath. "You wanna take us? This is amazing!" I looked at Audrey, who was still in shock clearly, from the WHOLE situation really.

"Yeah why not?! I don't know, when I got that message that we could bring anyone, you guys were the first ones that popped into mind. I figured, 'why not have two rookies tag along?' And I figured you guys would learn a thing or two about the biz!" He said happily.

I couldn't believe any of this. Out of ALL people he knew, he decided to take us. Us! We're literally just two teenage girls trapped in a stupid school where we weren't really wanted... And now we were wanted for something...! By James fricking Dewees! This was definitely the best thing that's happening to us.

But getting this news, to be going on tour, with one of my favorite people, both Audrey's and my favorite people, this was only the beginning of a great ride...

Come With Me (Frank Iero)Where stories live. Discover now