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As part of her anti fame manifesto , Sia has it in her contact that she doesn't have to show her face. " A lot of people wanted to do record deals with me and RCA was the only one that was willing to come to my party in the way in the way I wanted to work in the future . I had in my contact : no promo , no touring , no appearance in any music videos" Sia told Kristen Wiig in interview ' people say , enough of this shit where she doesn't show her face and it's gimmick , for sure. I'm trying to do this differently, for serenity and it's a fun game for me as well. I have nothing to lose. But of course I want to be loved so when people say ' show your face , you're not ugly' I want to say ' I know I'm not doing it because I think I'm ugly ;I'm trying to have some control over my image and I'm allowed to maintain some modicum of privacy"

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