"Hi! I'm Amber, I was just handing out these sheets there for the beginning of the school year or something so I came to give them to you" she's staring right at Mason she hands him one.

"You couldn't have slipped it under the door?" He asked annoyance clear in his voice.

"Uh, well I was trying to get to know as many new students as possible" she shrugs.

"Now you know thanks for the sheer" he says.

"Uh...wait what's your name?" She asks.

"Why?" He asked his patients is wearing out quickly.

"Just asking, like I said trying to get to know people" as laughs even though it wasn't funny.

"I'm Mason, and this is my girlfriend Maddie" he says. She finally looks at me her smile dropping a bit but she tries to hide it.

"Good to know see you around" she says staring at him again. She's annoying and I barley know her i just know of people like her. Aka Georgie. He closes the door scrunching the paper and throwing it in the garbage bin.

"Was it just me or was she really annoying?" He asked.

"She was" I nodded.

"That was so pointless" he groans. "Like she interrupted us for no good reason" he rolls his eyes. "I'm actually m-" I cut him off by kissing him my hands cupping his cheeks. He kisses back immediately and pulls me closer.


  I wake up in warmth and in Mason's arms and tangled in the blankets. This is a good way to wake up. The bed is small so we're really up against each other so I'm pretty much on him. His arms are wrapped around me as his light snores fill the room. I smile to myself staring and admiring him.

I have a feeling this is gonna be great. Just us. Yeah I'll miss everyone but I'll see them but this is where we begin I think.

"Take a picture it'll last longer Maddie" Mason mumbles his voice raspy.

"I don't have my phone actually right now so I can't really" I said he opens his eyes blinking a bit to adjust.

"Well that sucks" he says. "You're being a creep and staring at me while I sleep" he tells me.

"Well you technically aren't asleep and you know I'm staring so it's not that creepy" I said he gives me a look then laughs a bit.

"You're weird" he says.

"You've known me for how long?" I asked he just pulls me closer and kisses me. My legs are on each side of his body. I press my hands to his chest so I can sit up.

"What are we gonna do for the rest of the week?" I asked.

"Stay in, sleep do other things" he says with a smirk I roll my eyes.

"No we're in New York, we are doing fun things we have to" I said.

"Fine, but we know nothing" he says.

"That's the point we'll find out stuff when we go explore and today we start" I said about to get up but he pulls me down and his grip tightens.

"It's early can we just stray here for like another hour or two?" He asked.

"No" is all I said and he groaned.

"At least let me take a shower with you" I said.

"The shower here is a public one so I don't really have a choice" I said.

"They have a public shower so anyone can just see you?" He asked.

"There's curtains" I inform.

"Can't we just stay in bed for another hour and do things then the shower and then go places?" He asked.

"No Mas, we are not being boring while we're in New York now let's go" I said getting out of his firm grip some how. He groans but gets up and we grab our clothes and leave to the showers. Since there isn't like everyone already here there was like one far away shower going on. I got into one myself expecting Mason to just take the one next to me.

"You didn't actually think I'd let you in a public shower by yourself did you Mads?" I hear the smirk in his voice when we grabs my waist and pulls me close to him.

"I did and now I don't" I said turning to face him he's looking down at me. He leans down kissing me it mixes with the water but it's all good.



Well hope you guys like it is all I can tell ya. Xoxo.


Love, Fights...and Everything in between (MBBF sequel)Where stories live. Discover now