Merry Christmas!!! (Preview)

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Merry Christmas to YOU!!!! I hope you have had a wonderful day. I hope your day was filled with giving and loving one another. I hopped you thanked Jesus and GOd Almighty for blessing you with another day. I love you guys and I'm going to give your your present tomorrrow. it's going to be an update of this story, which has reached 1K reads!! Thank you guys so much this is so awesome!!! Thank you guys and please comment and vote. I love getting feedback on my stories so please comment. Thanks for sticking with me on this because it's been one heck of a ride. And for proof that I've been working on an update here's a little preview of what's to happen next chapter.

"........I've been digging this hole for weeks now and I couldn't get out. Heck, I'm still not out. With me being raped, Andy dying, and me being alone with no one to help, I became depressed. It was like I couldn't process it all, it all happened so fast and I didn't understand. And you know what they say, depression is like a hole you keep digging until the hole is too deep. Well, I stopped seeing the light a long time ago guys......."

Okay so, the chapter titled "Who's First" is the update I gave after Christmas.

Thanks for sticking with me!!! Take it easy fam!!!!!

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