Special Chritmas chapter ~ #2

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(A/n I know this is late but a lot has happened and my mom decided to take a last minute trip to England because she works for a airline to visit all of my family there so I was insanely busy doing Christmas stuff and getting ready for our last minute trip and then I got back and had school and whatever but it's finally time for what you all are waiting for.... let's turn the clock back to Christmas Eve 2017......)


You sat cuddled up in a fluffy blanket in the living room , light and heat washed over you from the bright fire that rested in the fire place. You glanced over at a large green Christmas tree decorated with many ordainments and ribbons, it gave you a feeling of joy to think Christmas was so near. There was many presents under it, including by far your favorite gifts you bought, 2 Gold wrapper boxes for Yuri.

You soon head the door to the apartment open and close and heard foot steps come down the hall way. Into the room Yuuri and Victor entered, and to your joy, holding hands. You smiled, this was going to be an amazing Christmas, you where surrounded by all the people you loved and cared about including (but not limited to) Lilia and Yakov, your amazing skating coaches who where practically family now. Victor and Yuuri, your freaking amazing gay parents. And your Boyfriend (when ever you said that it still sent little shivers down your back and put little butterflies in your stomach) who was quite amazing if you did say so your self, Yuri.

Yuuri and Victor gleefully entered the room each holding Starbucks cups steaming with Coffee. You looked over at them longing for [insert your Favorite Starbucks Drink]. That's when someone who some how snuck up behind you placed it right in front of you. You looked up to see two blue-green eyes staring at you. You saw a hint of glee in his eyes. You smiled, he had changed so much since you met him, back then he was mean, and his heart seemed to be incased in a layer of ice, he didn't want any one to touch it.

You head the door open and shut yet again and a voice echoed down the hallway "Merry Christmas Eve!!!"

You looked at the clock, Lilia and Yakov where right on time as always.

They walked into the room and headed over to you and Yuri embracing you in long hugs. You hadn't noticed but a certain girl had snuck into the room and was standing in the door frame watching with a large smirk painted on her face, after a few moments she spoke grasping everyone's attention.
"Dinner is ready" You headed into the dining room and awed at the mastery Mila had put together. It amazed you, she had never cooked before (at least for you) and now out of no where she had put together the most mouth watering Christmas dinner you've ever seen.

You grinned at Yuri and he looked at you with a soft smile on his face. The smile made you filled with a warm happy feeling that was new to you since you met Yuri.

Every one drew up chairs for themselves and sat down. Next you, you head Yuri rise.
A "clink" of a glass being lightly tapped silenced every one and they looked at where the noise had come from, and to every ones surprise (including yours) Yuri stood next you holding the glass and looking as though he was ready to made a speech.

"As the Year has almost come to a close and we all gather here for Christmas I would like to say a few words. Since last Christmas a lot has changed, we've met new people, and even if we haven't gotten along with all of them so well" with this Yuri gave a awkward grin at the 'pork cutlet bowl' as he likes to call him and goes back to his speech "Some of them have changed our life's! Yuuri thank you for competing against me and filling me with anger and passion to win this years World Cup" Yuri said looking a Yuuri a little embarrassed that he was actually saying this, next his eyes shifted over to you. "Next and most importantly thank you y/n for always being there for me even when it pained you and for loving and caring for me and teaching me what love feels like I could never repay you for that. Without you I don't know if I would have been able to win the worlds, Y/n I skated for you! And I will always skate for you, forever to show you that I care" as he says this tears form in his eyes but he holds them back as he continues. "Next Yakov and Lilia you've become my family, thank you for taking me in and teaching me and caring for me. And last, Mila thank you for cooking tonight's food," he said grinning and ending on a sorta pointless note he then quickly sat down

You quickly noticed the one person in the room he didn't thank and nugged him and whispered in his ear "Victor" and with that Yuri got a look of panic in his eyes and stood up again.

"Sorry I'm not done yet" he said all in a rush "Victor thank you for choreographing a wonderful routine that means the world to me, it helped me find myself and express my feelings and also in the long run thank you for leaving in the end I guess it actually ended up helping me" he said giving a goofy smile at Victor and then finally sitting down on a good closing note. With those last words every one smiled and shared a few moments of just peace before all chaos broke loose as the food was finally eaten.

Yuri POV

I still can't believe what I did earlier! That was a lot of lovey dovey un-like me at all stuff.....

I ran my fingers through y/n's hair as we sat by the warm cracking fire. Every one was gathered in the living room stuffed with food and just enjoying every one else's presence.

"Excuse me attention every one!!!!" Victor announced breaking the silence walking into the room in the most ridiculous out fit I've ever seen! It was a polar bear onesie!

I held back my laughter at the sight of the full gown white haired Victor wearing a freaking white polar bear onesie. Next to me I could see y/n grinning a skeptical grin, she leaned over and whispered in my ear "look at the hat"

I looked up and noticed the small back top hat sewn onto the hood of Victors onesie and thought back my upcoming fit of tears.

"I have presents!!!!!" Victor said pulling three white bags from behind his back "I have one for Yuuri" he said passing Yuuri and placing a white bag in his lap then he headed towards us..... "and one for other Yuri and one for y/n" he said placing two white bags in front of us, I looked over a Y/n skeptical

"They are early Christmas presents!!!" Victor said bouncing in excitement

Yuuri was the first to open his, and what he pulled out made me want to laugh even more then Victor in his onesie made me want to. It was a white and black onesie with a little top hat on it just like Victors.

"Awe it's a penguin onesie" Y/n said looked at shocked Yuuri and his onesie

I swear if Victor got me a onesie I may actually kill him

Victor looked at Yuuri with a satisfied grin on his face "it's lovely! You'll look adorable in it Yuuri!" He said pulling Yuuri off the couch and pushing him into the hall way "now go and change and show off to every one your beautiful penguin look!"

Next he looked at me and Y/n expecting us to open our presents

That's when y/n broke the silence "lets both open them on three"

"One....... two.......... three.."


You dug through layers of paper only to pull out a white onesie

You closely examined the onesie to find out it was a white tiger thingy. You looked over at Yuri who looked mortified. He was holding up an adorable tiger onesie. It was so him but at the same time it wasn't him at all.

"What the hell is this" Yuri muttered

"I think it's adorable!" You exclaimed "Thank you so much Victor!"

Yuri looked at you, lost for words

You grinned back

This was going to be the best Christmas ever!

Today it snowed where I live..... it's way to late in the year for that. Sorry for how late this is but I hope you enjoyed it! Love you all!

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