Meeting Mr.President

Start from the beginning

Chris introduces us to some of his team members and a few D.S.O agents he knows as we walk around the room before finally me and Terri sit at a table as the siblings leave us to speak to a group of Chris' men, Piers being one of them.

"Well that was, interesting"
"I like Claire" I admit as I watch her from a far, listening intently to whatever Piers was currently saying.
"I'm glad you're making friends" he says and I eye him
"What do you mean by that?" I question with a raised brow
"I'm just saying, your social life isn't exactly bustling"
"My job leaves me little time for friends, I have my close set of friends I see when I can, they're all I need"
"Well a new one will do you good! I worry about you!" He says and I tare my eyes away from him, scanning the room yet again for any sights of Leon. I end up being disappointed.
"I carry a gun everywhere, you really don't need to worry!"
"You know it's not your life I worry about" I sigh and the movement on the stage at the back of the room draws our attention, the orchestra leaving the stage .

A few minutes later the president himself steps on stage from the back, Leon right beside him. He stays back as the president makes his way to the mic at the front of the stage to speak but my attention stays on the blond.
He's wearing a black suit, cut perfectly to his shape, his hands behind his back as he watches the president begin his welcome speech, thanking us all for being here, why we're here and so on, I couldn't take it all in, not with Leon in the same room looking god damn edible.

I still feel anger when I look at him but it's slowly sizzling away the more I stare, every time he gives the room a scan I hope his eyes will land on mine, but they never do.

I think about the night at the hotel, how we played pool and acted like teenagers, how we shared a bed and how he held me in his arms as we slept. It was hard to get to terms with the idea of a man who could be so caring and intimate during a one night stand to have been watching me for 3 days, to know who I was and steal my information, to worm his way into my life, to give me hope of us actually being something then to just leave after sleeping with me. It really didn't leave a good impression.

I notice him nod at someone with a genuine smile in the crowd and my vision goes to the pretty red head. I wonder if they're just friends or if he's slept with her, would she be in his arms tonight?

This feeling was one I hadn't felt in a long time, I was jealous.

"Who's the suit you can't tear your eyes from?" Terri asks causing me to pull my eyes from Leon to the chief of security now making a speech of his own.
"That's Kennedy!"
"The Italian thief!" He says surprised as he now stares at him
I just hum and play with my empty glass

Finally the speeches end and we're all told to enjoy ourselves and my eyes go back to Leon. Seconds later his eyes come straight to mine, like he knew exactly where to look. His look was piecing, then he leaves the stage behind the president.

I clear my throat and decide I need another drink, heading for the open bar.

After finally getting my drink I turn around to come face to face with the president himself, Leon right beside him.
I'm glad Terri is here beside me.
The president smiles at me as words get lost in my throat
"Amy, so glad you could make it!" He puts his hand out for me to shake
"Of course, it's a pleasure to meet you" I reply
"The pleasure's mine, And you must be Terri," Adam says holding his hand out towards him.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr president!" He says
"I believe you two have already met" the president says after giving Terri a nod, looking at me and Leon.
"Terri this is Leon Kennedy"
Leon holds his hand out for Terri to shake and I realise I haven't even looked at Leon since his approach with the president, it was understandable that I'd forget about him for a minute with the president looking and speaking directly at me.

He looked even better in that suit up close.
"Terri, how would you like to meet my friend Erik stanson, I believe you two would get on great!" Terri's eyes pop at the mention of the senator.
"Leon, why don't you take care of my V.I.P for me!"
Leon gives the president a look that shows they've defiantly been friends for a long time, his look told the president he's on to him.
The president just smiles smugly and nods at me before leading Terri away, leaving me and Leon.

"V.I.P?" I question and Leon smiles
"Come on, there's something I want to show you!" He says and I find myself following him.

"You look beautiful" he beams as he looks back at me, waiting for me to match his steps and my high of meeting the president crashes down and for some reason, his compliment angers me.
"Save it!" I sneer and he frowns as we walk together
"You're angry at me?" He asks dubiously, like it's him that has the right to be angry at me.
"You left without a goodbye!" I remind him
He turns then to face me, stopping us in an opening near the door.
"You never answered my calls" he counters, his tone sharp, mirroring my own.
I open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind when I hear a familiar voice calling Leon's name, then Claire is standing beside us, her smile slowly fading. She could sense our moods.
She forces a smile and looks at her friend.
"Drinks?" She offers with a hopeful smile and Leon smiles at his friend, his shoulders dropping as the tension evaporates out of him and I feel it again, jealousy towards this pretty redhead.

"I'd love to" Leon answers before looking to me. I hold back my scowl. Was he ditching me?
"But I have something to do first" he admits as he looks back to Claire
"I'll find you later?" Leon offers and Claire smiles between us as I hide my surprise that he's sticking with me and not his longtime friend.
"Sure, take your time, I'll be here, listening to Piers" she rolls her eyes and smiles before walking away.

I watch Leon closely as he smiles after Claire, watching her walk away back over to her brother and Piers.
I want to ask him about her but at the same time, I don't want him to know I'm jealous.

"Come on," Leon says to me with a warm smile as if to soften our moods. I huff a silent breath and follow the man out of the room, curious as to what it is he wants to show me.

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