6. Peyton - 1: The Birth

Start from the beginning

Hedone’s expression showed one of discomfort. “Can I just rest for now?”

“Of course,” Psyche agreed holding her hands out for the child. Hedone passed her over without much of a second thought.

“She needs a name,” Eros requested as Hedone snuggled into her bed. Psyche moved off the bed and was cooing at the child in her arms.

Hedone yawned. “I do not care. Name her as you please.”

Psyche furrowed her eyebrows at her daughter and sent a worried expression to her husband. Eros just nodded to her once to signal that her silent message was received.

“You are equipped to take on the role of a mother with our assistance, correct?” Eros asked.

Hedone rolled her eyes clearly annoyed. “Whatever answer allows you to leave me alone!”

Eros looked worriedly over to his wife. They both left the room with the goddess and the baby. Eros led Artemis to the door.

“I thank you for your services,” he said sincerely.

“She shall be a calm child,” Artemis predicted. “Hedone will never be the mother that she needs. She was never prepared for this role and never will be. I am sorry if that should disappoint you.”

“It does disappoint,” Eros mumbled. “It does not surprise.”

“She is also a demi-god,” Artemis warned. “She will not live forever if you do not take action. She will also be shunned down to Earth if you do not keep her a secret. Mortals are not allowed to live among us. If you want her with us, you must turn her.”

“Understood.” Eros had no plans of keeping her on Olympia. She did not belong with them in the immortal world.

Artemis excused herself and left their home. Eros made his way back into the main room only to find his wife smiling at the bundle in her arms. Eros joined her and stared at the new little child before them.

“I love her already,” Psyche whispered. “We cannot allow for any harm to come to her. We must protect her from the worst.”

“Even if the worst is her own mother?” Eros asked seriously.

“Especially then,” Psyche replied without missing a beat. “We could raise her. We have not wanted another child because of Hedone but perhaps now is a good time. We can learn for our mistakes. We do not shelter her. We do not prolong her life unless she wishes for it. We could care for her.”

“Hedone needs to take responsibility,” Eros argued. “She should have to have the same struggles and decisions as we did. They are her mistakes to make.”

Psyche let out a deep breath just as the baby in her arms grunted a bit.

“She still needs a name,” she pointed out. “Hedone allowed us that much.”

Eros looked over at the child. She seemed to have a sweet face and calm demeanor. That was quite peculiar for a newborn. She needed a name as peculiar as she seemed to be.

“Peyton,” Eros decided.

Psyche smiled over at the little girl. “Peyton. Perfect.”


“I refuse,” Hedone shouted while barging into her parents’ bedroom.

Psyche and Eros groggily sat up as their daughter approached the bed with a squiggly daughter in her arms. Hedone handed over to her mother.

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