"What do you want?" he practically growls at you in an accented voice. You decline to answer. "I asked you a question," he continues, "Answer me." His pupils grow wide at his command and you feel compelled to answer.

"To kill you," you tell him.

"Why?" he asks.

"Because you're a monster," you answer.

"So you know who I am?" he questions.

"I know enough of what you've done, Klaus Mikaelson," you tell him.

"Well Love, you know who I am, it hardly seems fair that I don't know your name," Klaus says. You keep your mouth shut, not wanting to give him any information. "Tell me who you are," Klaus demands, his pupils dilating. The need to tell him who you are washes over you.

"My name is Y/N Winchester," you tell him despite your desire not to, "I'm a hunter."

"And what made you decide to target me?" Klaus asks.

"Nothing in particular," you answer, "Just the simple fact that you're a murderous vampire and hunting you got me out of Kansas."

"Poor decision on your part Love," Klaus says, "You chose the wrong monster to hunt."

"If you're going to kill me, just do it," you tell him.

"Very brave, little human," Klaus says, "Brave, but stupid."

"I'm not afraid of you," you tell him, "I've fought angels, demons, ghost, werewolves, vampires, practically every monster you could ever imagine. On top of that, I've died, more than once; so if you want to kill me, go ahead, I'll just come back and next time you won't stop me so easily."

Klaus tilts his head to the side, his blue eyes examining your features as if he's trying to decide whether or not you're lying. "Interesting," Klaus muses, "Pray tell, how do you keep coming back to life?"

"I have connections," you tell him, "In Heaven, Hell, and everywhere in between." Klaus remains silent for a moment before releasing your wrists and moving away, allowing you to step away from the wall.

"What are you running from?" Klaus asks.

"Nothing," you tell him, rubbing your wrists, "I don't run."

"Come now Love," Klaus says, "I've been running for most of my life. I can see it in your eyes, you're running from something."

"Why do you care?" you ask, "Just kill me and get it over with."

"I think I have a better proposition for you," Klaus says casually as if you hadn't just tried to kill each other, "I could use someone like you."

"Use me?" you ask, "As in force me into servitude with that . . . that thing you just did?"

"I had rather hoped you'd agree without any intervention on my part," Klaus says.

"What did you have in mind?" you ask, actually curious for some reason. You'd dealt with crossroads demons before, so you knew to be on your guard when it came to making deals.

"My beloved family and I seem to be in constant danger from both friend and foe," Klaus says, "You say you're a hunter and that you've dealt with all sorts of supernatural creatures. In my mind, you're someone I'd rather like to have on my side."

"You want me to be your personal body guard?" you scoff, "After I just tried to kill you?"

"I really can't condemn you for trying," Klaus says, "Many have tried before you and many will try after. However, it would be helpful to have a hunter protecting my family, if you find it agreeable."

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