Christmas special pt-2

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Omg are you guys serious 1k views! I never thought I'd do that well! I just really want to thank you all for supporting comments, votes and actually reading this book! Anyway I'm definitely gonna write extra for you all in this chapter!

Now in the present Papyrus is wrapped up in a blanket, like an abandoned kitten you'd find in a box saying 'please adopt me'. It was a sorrowful state, the once large and proud skeleton seemed to be in. His eyes beamed with heartache with hidden tints of depression he had been trying to hide. When Red left he overworked himself to try and forget about the pain of losing him, almost detaching himself from the world around him that seemed to collapse. So seeing someone who he thought was dead because of himself was overwhelming. Yet he held back his joy, unsure wether his brother would be utterly disappointed to see this sorry excuse for a brother again. So he huddled further in himself trying to hide his fear, he didn't hide it because his pride told him too, he did it as too not see a brother who looked at him with pity and instead with love.

Red on the other hand was scared. Scared that Papyrus would ruin this Universe and desecrate everything in his path, much like the old Universe. He had a wave of shivers travel through his spine to his old wound, reminding of what he did too him. Yet that fear lasted half a second. It's not like he just suddenly turned brave because he was in a new Universe, he trusted that his brother had changed, with little to no evidence. He trusted that the distraught and scared figure in front of him had turned fragile and regretted his actions. Red was never one to hold a grudge, so he approached his brother with open arms. Waterfalls of tears rushed down his face, reuniting his brother and himself was heartwarming to say the least.

Papyrus feared what face his brother held, scared that he would be disappointed. But when he looked up and saw a fearless face crying tears of joy, Papyrus could no longer hold in the tears he had been holding back to be strong. Because in this moment and when his brother disappeared he had the sudden realisation that his brother tried to show him his entire life. That It's okay to be weak or scared because after feeling that way you can only get stronger. Not in the way of training like he did for the royal guard but in the way he can move forward, without destroying everything in his path. It was a almost a cozy feeling, like someone had wrapped another blanket around Papyrus to stop the shivering.

Papyrus threw himself at Red, tears falling and the two skeletons wailing could be heard over the sleigh bells on Christmas Eve. Red stood up wrapping his arms around Papyrus lower neck area, while Papyrus rested his head on Red's ribcage as he was knelt down. The scene made Blue want to join in with his friendship hugs but decided not to ruin the moment. Papyrus walked in on the two skeletons having their moment, Blue pulled on his sleeve just to make sure he didn't disturb the two. Afterwards Blue led Papyrus to the kitchen.

Papyrus was annoyed that the one who hurt Red had come back, but if Red was fine with it Papyrus guess he could deal with it for now. Blue sat at the table, patting the chair next to him for Papyrus to take a seat, in which Papyrus obeyed. It was quite tense for some reason, it was a first for the two. However that didn't last long before Blue sliced it, "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS HONEY?~" Papyrus was at first a bit taken back by the name, but then responded with a playful look.

"You did always say if a Papyrus were to come you'd name me honey." Papyrus summarised with a sigh, all the while Blue had a smile posted on his face. Papyrus unwrapped a lollipop and put it in his mouth, saddened by the fact Red was too busy too share with him. "Is he staying? In all honesty I dunno what to think of him." Papyrus said with a distant look. The crying had faded slightly, but no one thought words needed to be spoke to express the words that they hid inside.

Blue looked at Papyrus saddened by his cautiousness but not surprised. Blue had already started trusting the new skeleton, in a way he was just as fragile as Red, on the verge of smashing into pieces. "HE CAN STAY FOR AS LONG AS HE WANTS. BESIDES, WOULDN'T IT BE NICE FOR RED TO HAVE FAMILY FOR CHRISTMAS?" Papyrus thought about it for a moment before thinking 'well if it's for Red I'll allow it'. So Papyrus instead of an answer gave his usual lazy nod, which is expected from the lazy skeleton. Suddenly the crying had stopped which was quite surprising to the two skeletons.

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