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I made wudhu as the Fajr adhan filled my ears and I ran off to the masjid. On the way I met Umar.

"السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته يا خالد!"

"You know I hate speaking this early in the morning!" I mumbled grumpily and wrapped my sheet around myself tighter to protect me from the cold.

And then we reached the masjid just in time for salaah when a breathless Zaid runs into us and shouts "MADE IT!" which causes everyone to turn and give dirty looks.

After salaah, Umar, Zaid and I walked together to feed the horses in their stables.

Zaid: "So Umar, how are the nightmares?"

Umar: "Had one last night again..." and he proceeded to tell us the entire episode from last night.

Me: Look man, just because everyone says you're a son of rape, does not mean it's true and even if it's true, it's neither your fault nor your mothers, so just forget about it, for now atleast ok? And if it was true, your mum would've told you.

Umar: But that's the only logical explanation. Ummi is only 29 years old and I'm 17. She gave birth to me when she was 12! Who gives birth at that age? And my eyes? Ummi has brown eyes. Where did I get blue eyes from? And why won't Ummi tell me anything?!

I watched as a lost, lonely and devastated Umar tried to put the pieces together. It was true though. Umar was a child of rape. He knew it too, he just needed someone to confirm it and give him some answers. The whispers about him just made it worse. I felt like by not telling him I was betraying him but Zaid and I both promised we would never say anything that would hurt him. I knew this would hurt him.

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