"Would a gay dude do this?"

"A gay dog would." I point out. And straddle him. I could feel his...him underneath me. I am still as awkward.

"And stop it anyway. You have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend." I say.

"Says the girl who's straddling me and giving me an ample view down her shirt."

"Well, we haven't- in a while. Both of us."

"Yeah. True. Liz keeps wanna waiting till the 6th month mark."

"And Shadab has those Indian sensibilities which I lost when I was 15."

"It's painful." He nuzzles my neck.

"You have a neck fetish."

"Admit it feels good."

"It feels gr-gre-great." I moan as he hits a particularly sensitive spot.

"We aren't exclusive, you know."

I smirk. "Nor are we."

I unbutton his shirt, revealing his toned chest. I bite my lip, which always drives guys crazy for some reason.

He pulls off my formal type top.

Then he kisses me, full on the mouth and hungrily. I don't blame him. Nor do I blame myself. It's been months.

"The curtain is open, you know." He says as he breaks the kiss, nodding to the ceiling to floor window, which was adjacent to our neighbour's window.

Ok, this apartment wasn't small. My previous one was. My parents would die if they knew I was living with a man. And doing this. And being so bold.

"Well then." I unclasp my bra. "Let's give them a show."

~time skip~

"Wow." Harry pulls me even closer.

"Wow, indeed." I smile, tiredly.  "What time is it?"

"Uh.." He raises his head. "6."

"Shit, Shadab said he'd be over at 6:15. And don't you have a date?" I jump out of bed. Well, sofa.

"I prefer the view right now."
I blush but keep my calm.

"You'll get it tonight. Go, or I'll unload more sob stor-"
He junps out too. And unfortunately puts his boxers on.

"I'm going out. I refuse to take part or hell, even listen to your many issues due to which you and Shaydab are doomed to fail. I know it, the dog knows it, the lady downstairs knows it, the guy at Starbucks knows it. You don't."

"Relationships made so early in life don't last. I know that." I shake  my head.

"Just end it already. I can't come home after a looooong day at work and see you crying over him AGAIN when I just wanna have a cold beer and watch basketball." He pulls on his shirt. I just drape myself in a towel.

"Won't the guy be suspicious?"

"Shower." I shrug. " Also, I don't cry." I say, in denial. "And on the off chance I do, it's not over Shadab. He's always been a perfect gentleman, right from pre-kindergarten."

"Whaaaatever. Now, tell me about today so I can go and meet Liz." He sat on the sofa, fully dressed . He never fails to ask about my day. He's perfect.

"I went to get a job. At Peter's."

He fell off the sofa. Ah, sweet nostalgia. Ok, the fact that I'm weird is already very clear.

"The fuck?! Why did you to go Stark? If you wanted a job I  could've given you a good one at my business."

"As much as I hate to admit it, I wanted a job on my own merits." I  twisted my mouth.

"And Peter was the way to do that? He'll give you the job if only to be able to look at you every day."

"If he hires me just for...not for professional reasons, he'll tell me. He's never been able to keep things from me."

"Didn't he keep the fact that he was Spider-Man from you for a year?"

I push him off the sofa.
"Go meet Liz. Shadab is coming over now, anyway. I'll fill you in at night."

"You know that's an innuendo, right?" He winked at me and I grinned, despite myself.

"Yeah. And I promise to carry it out, metaphorically and literally." I wink back.

He laughs, rolling his crystal blue eyes.

"Use protection." We both say at the same time.

"As if we'll get lucky." We say again in unison and laugh.
He walks out.

"I always do, anyway." I say softly after the door closed. "Can't risk it again."

Been A While, SpideyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang