This door was smaller, or actually, normal unlike the others. Aizawa knocked and from the other side came a voice telling us to come in. Aizawa step in but not all the way. He greeted which I'm guessing is the head councilman.

After hearing a gleeful response Aizawa moved in and I walked in after him. Ok now here is where I say-

"Mouse?", I earned a smack on the head from Aizawa which I didn't blame him for.

"Please excuse my rude comment", I bow and I heard a small laugh coming from the small creature. He tells me not to worry and makes his way in front of me.

"If I'm right you must be (L/N) (F/N), or am I wrong?", I widen my eyes a bit surprised that he knew my name.

"Y-yes that is me", I nod and he smiles. Motioning me and Aizawa to sit down he too takes a seat on his rather large chair.

"Don't be alarmed, Aizawa talks about you when he comes to report."

My cheeks heat up a bit and I turn to Aizawa who was facing the other way saying that what his boss said wasn't true. This made the red stains on my cheeks spread a bit further.

"What does he say?", I turn back to the white mouse.

"Don't you d-", Aizawa got cut off by the councilman.

"You read poetry as if you wrote it yourself", his smile was sincere and I could help but smile either. In the corner of my eye I could see Aizawa give up and relax on the chair. Shifting my gaze back at his boss my smile grew.

"The words flow through my mouth and I can't stop", I say truthfully bringing a small chuckle from the mouse.

"Oh and again forgive my rudeness. I never asked for your name", the mouse hops off the chair serving what I see as tea and gives it to the both of us.

"Ah yes", he heads back towards his chair, "My name is Nezu."

Hearing the name I engraved it into my head before I forget. Then again, I don't think I can forget the name of a little mouse. We ended up conversing more about how the journey went and other things that I forgot why we came. We also talked about the way I received my "studies" by sneaking into local schools and library.

I was expecting Nezu to lecture me on how barging in is rude but to my surprise he gave a thumbs up approval instead. But then again, he does have students and soon to be hero's of different genders.

Now here came the fun part.

"Your quirk, what's it called?"

Finishing up the tea he had given me I place the cup down on the table while answering, "Rebuild."

"How interesting, please give me details. How does it work?"

I smile feeling the pride that's emitting off of me, "Well the name gives it away really. I'm able to disintegrate any nonhuman or non-animal objects to transform or rebuild them into anything else."

"Amazing! Such a useful quirk indeed, and your limits", Nezu scooted closer the edge of his leather chair.

"I need to have a picture in my head of what I want to create and the new creation has to be roughly around the same size as the previous material. For example, if you gave me a small bar of steal I won't be able to create a sword because of how little material there is. So instead of a sword I can create a dagger, of course with exception of the grip because I'd need rubber or leather for that too."

"Amazing", I'd be wrong if I said this didn't feel like I was being interviewed, 'cause it sure as hell did feel like one.

Excusing himself because of a call he got, Nezu told us to wait and relax here until he back and the moment the door closed I left out my breathe not realizing I was holding it back. I heard Aizawa snicker but I didn't want to make a fuss knowing that Nezu could come in at any given moment.

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