Hangovers and memories

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I woke up to the sound of loud chimes and music. I groaned and grabbed the pillow putting it over my throbbing head.

"Make it stop!" I moaned out in pain the chimes were then shut off but the faint cheerful music of Christmas didn't. I tried to go back to sleep.

Keyword: Tried

I failed for two reasons.

1: The overbearing headache that made my head throb.

2: The distinct feeling of being stared at.........

"Where's the vodka?" I slurred groggily as I searched blindly for the bottle.

"I think you've had enough to drink Faith," A deep sleep filled voice said I froze and ripped the pillow off my head. I flipped over to see The Grinch next to me under the covers. I felt a sharp pain in my head but I ignored it for the current situation at hand.

"Grinchie?" I said squinting and rubbing my eyes to make sure I wasn't imagining this.

"Morning sleeping beauty did you have a nice nap," He said sarcastically with a hint of amusement? I tilted my head a bit in confusion. I decided to ignore his question and ask my own.

"What are you doing in my bed?" I asked putting my hand on my head trying to ease the pain.

"Sorry to break it to you but this is my bed," He said with a smirk stretching across his face.

"Your bed? but then how did I get here?" I asked trying to rack my brain for something.

"I don't know but you might wanna cover up there unless you're making a move on me?" He said eyeing me I looked at him in confusion tilting my head and looked down.

.....................................I was in my underwear.

I grabbed the covers and pulled it over myself.  I looked around trying to find my dress but I couldn't find it so I went with the next best thing a discarded white T that was oversized for me.

"How much did I drink?" I asked and discreetly began to look for the bottle.

"You were quite hammered when I got here so I should say a lot and You won't find the bottle," Grinch said I looked him dead in the eye, Narrowed my eyes, and raised my eyebrow in challenge.

"Wanna bet?" I asked calmly despite my hangover pounding away.

"No, Do not look for the enchanted bottle," He said sternly

"You can't tell me what to do You are neither my father nor my boyfriend," I said as I raised my hand and the bottle flew it. I raised it to my lips and chugged down more of the liquid. I felt my headache go away gradually as I started to get drunk again.

Grinch's P.O.V

I sighed in annoyance and concern for my best friend as she proceeded to get drunk again. I don't think I'm gonna get what she said and the way she acted out of my mind or the way I found her last night. The anger I felt from last night presented itself at the memory.

~Flashback to when he gets home from the Whobilation~

(I know the Whobilation is traditionally held right before Christmas but I'm going to have it two days before to fit my initial plot)

"Of course they would have a spare tree! Always prepared for everything!" I snarled to myself as Max and I approached our home but I stopped in my tracks as I saw footprints in the snow leading to my door which was ajar.

"Max someone has wandered into our home," I said a grin creeping onto my face because this person has made a very unfortunate mistake on their part. I quietly entered my home with max behind me. I heard familiar soft giggling

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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