How it Works

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Basically, there will be 4 coaches that will mentor a team of 10 contestants each for this season.

The Selection (1st to 10th January)

Step 1:

Once you fill out the form that can be found in the next chapter, you will have entered your book for the selection stage

Step 2:

The four coach will reply to the form commented by the 8 authors whose stories they choose for their team.

Step 3:

Contestants that have more than one wanting them must choose the one they would most like to work with. The contestants can read the chapter titled "Meet the Coaches" to help them decide.

The List (11th January)

At the end of The Selection, a list of the teams will be published.

The Mentoring Stage (12th to 22nd January)

At this stage, the coaches will begin reading the books of their contestants and giving tips on how to improve. You know, mentoring :)

                                   The Rounds

Round 1: (23rd to 30th January)

Each coach will judge all the books based on the Title, Cover and Blurb. The coaches will then choose the top eight contestants from each team that will move on to Round 2.

Round 2: (31st January to 6th February)

Each coach will judge all the books based on the First and Second chapters. The top five will move on.

Round 3: (7th to 10th February)

Each coach will judge all the books based on Grammar and Plot. The top 9 will move on.

Round 4: (11th to 15th February)

Each coach will now judge their top 9 contestants based on Characters and World Building. The best 5 will move on to the final round.

Round 5: (15th to 19th February)

All the coaches will read the books of the 5 contestants that are remaining and rank them. The one with the highest total ranking will be our X Factor Winner and gold medallist. The two next highest will be silver and bronze medallists respectively. 

X Factor Winner reveal: (20th February)

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