Pop Tates Choc'lit Shoppe

Start from the beginning

"What's with the thinking face?" The girl suddenly interrupted his line of thoughts. He shook his head slightly,

"What was that, doll?" He asked, as he tried to regain his thoughts, slightly embarrassed that he had zoned out.

"You were in another world" the young girl laughed, "what were you thinking about?" She asked, FP laughed,

"Was thinking about how we're going to get a burger" he said, obviously not about to share his real thoughts with the girl.

"What if I said no?" The girl teased as she took the last bit of his cigarette in which he had just offered to her,

"I would have to remind you of a little bet we made last night and of the fact you got to do what I say for a day" he replied,

"Dammit, okay after you. But remember, your day starts now" she said as, much like last night he handed her his only helmet, mounted his bike and waited for her to get on too.

The two were sitting in Pops, a burger in front of them both as they laughed at something FP had said. Isobel couldn't stop thinking about how this, to an outsider, would look like a date,
Is that what this is, a date? He was so much older than her, only a few years younger than her own Dad. Not to mention his romantic history with Saint Alice (which Isobel was still having issues imaging the tragedy) But she was attracted to him. That was for certain, she was pretty sure he was attracted to her as well. They got along, Isobel liked spending time with him. Get a grip girl! This isn't a date, she kept on repeating to herself in her mind, he would not be attracted to you in that way! She would add to try and calm her raging thoughts.

"Dad?" A voice said, a boy around the same age as Isobel said from the side, a crown shaped black beanie on his head.

"Jughead, what you doing here?" FP said awkwardly, as Isobel just watched the exchange.

"It's a Saturday, Dad. It's not like I have school" he said, as he eyed Isobel suspiciously. The girl catching on, put her fry down and rubbed her hand on her jeans before reaching it out for him to shake,

"Hey, I'm Isobel" she said, "no hand shake. Oka-ay" she said awkwardly as she retracted her hand back after the boy looked at it but made no movement to engage in the kind gesture,

"What the hell dad? She's probably still in school" Jughead said to his dad, glaring at the two. "This is your thing now is it? You don't change do you." Added,

"That's enough Jughead!" FP demanded calmly,

"Oh-" Jughead scoffed, "really? You're not even trying to hide the whore" This is what snapped Isobel's attention back to the rude kid, she slammed her napkin down on the table and turned to him.

"Me and your dad are not in a relationship" she spat, "he offered to buy me a burger." She added, getting closer to his face as she continued, "He is in fact a friend of my fathers. You want to start a fight with your dad, fine. I'm not here to judge your relationship together. But-" at first speaking calmly, her voice now getting angrier, "-you also have no right to judge me. Someone you have never met in your fucking life, come over and call me a whore? What gives you that privilege, dickhead? Hmm?" She got out of the booth, "I'm going out for a cigarette. Thanks for the food" she said to FP, before glaring at his son and storming out the building.
Jughead approached the girl slowly. "Hi", he said awkwardly, the girl snapped her attention to him,

"Come to call me something else? Slut, maybe?" She seethed,

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that" he said awkwardly,

"Yeah, you shouldn't have" she replied, FP was still inside, paying for the meal. Staring out of the window to watch the encounter.

"I was angry at my dad, I'm sorry I took it out on you"

"You don't know me"

"I know"

The girl threw her cigarette on the ground, "Just don't do it again" she said as she made her way back into the diner. Jughead frowning as he watched her walk straight to his Dad.

FP glanced at his son before looking into the blue eyes of the beautiful redhead that stood in front of him, "I'm sorry" he said,

"Why?" She asked, "it's not your fault" she added,

"I shouldn't have brought you out" he said, placing his hand in his pocket as he awkwardly shuffled his feet, glancing anywhere but at her.

"Shut up" she laughed, "come on" she said again as she grabbed his free hand and led him out the building. FP was surprised,

"Look. No offence to your son or anything, but that was a dick move, and personally. It's none of his business, even if we were hooking up" she said.

FP didn't know what to think, and in fact was shocked that the girl had reacted to the whole situation this way.

"You think?" FP smirked, the red head laughed.

"Yup" she nodded, before checking her phone, 1:30pm, "half a day up, what do you want to do next?" She asked. Stepping closer to him,

"Well let me think"

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