• Chapter Two •

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"Baelish, what an unpleasant surprise," she descended down the stone steps leading into the yard, Lord Petyr Baelish stopped in his trek to look up at her. "I heard you've brought along a Lannister." 

"A Lannister?" his lip twitched, "Oh, you mean Lady Stark? Sansa Stark, sister of your... late husband?" 

She took one step closer to him, her own jaw set, "Don't overstay your welcome, Lord Baelish," she said to him, her blue eyes turning a dark, stormy gray. "It would be a pity if all your hard work suddenly ended." 

His eyes followed her as she brushed past him, "It would be a pity," he smirked as he spoke, "if all your hard work, was for nothing. She has the Tully's hair and eyes, something she must have inherited from her father."

Her heart leapt to her throat. Rhaella turned on the spot, her eyes widening as she stepped closer to him, "You've seen her?" 

"Targaryens are very hard to miss when they travel with a horde of men and wolves, especially a rather distinctive white wolf with eyes as blue as ice." 

"I've always hated that about you," she stepped back, her eyes lowering to the muddy ground beneath their feet. Tears stung her eyes, tears she refused to let fall. "What do you want?" 

"You know what I want," he said to her, stepping closer. "Tywin Lannister is dead. Your husband is dead. Your father is dead. No one left to protect you, let me protect you. Together we can take the iron throne and rule all of Westeros." 

"You're wrong," she spoke through clenched teeth, her vision blurring slightly from the tears. 

"Wrong?" Baelish sounded astonished by her statement, how could he ever be wrong? 

"I don't need anyone to protect me," she said as the tears fell, "I've done just fine protecting myself." 

"Have you?" he stepped closer and lowered his voice, "Tell me, how exactly did those men die after they took their turn with you in the forest?" 

"What is this?" Ramsey Bolton's voice called out. Petyr stepped back quickly and turned to smile as the bastard approached, his eyes lingering on Rhaella's back. "Is everything alright?" he asked her, his eyes now flickering to Petyr. "Lady Stark?" 

Rhaella wiped at the tears that had fallen. She forced herself to stop crying and turn around to face Ramsey with a false smile present on her lips, "Yes," she lied. "everything is alright." 

Beside her, Petyr Baelish relaxed, his shoulders slouching only a little as his smile grew. Ramsey caught sight of the smile on Littlefinger's face and the frown that had been on his face also grew. "My father wants to speak to you," he said to Peytr. 

"Then I best not keep Lord Bolton waiting any longer," Petyr turned to Rhaella, "Lady Stark." 

Of all the men Rhaella encountered, even whilst she lived among the Boltons, Petyr Baelish scared her the most. He bowed his head toward her and then with one look toward Ramsey, he hurried off the same way Ramsey had come from. 

"He really didn't want to speak to him," Ramsey said when Petyr was out of sight. "He's not even that way."

"You spoke the truth when you said you liked me," she turned to look at him. Ramsey reached out for her face, his thumb brushing along under her eye. She realized he was wiping away a tear that had fallen. 

"I did, my lady," he smiled. "You are very beautiful and very... interesting." 

"I should fear you," she looked into his eyes. 

"But you don't," his smile grew, "That is what I like most about you."

She inhaled deeply and turned to look away from him, "I hear Sansa is to be your intended." The conversation prior had started to make her feel uncomfortable as did all the conversations with men she did not desire, did. 

"She is," he replied, "You are only a Stark in name, not by birth."

"For that," Rhaella turned toward him, her pale eyes a steely gray, "I am grateful." 

She Wolf • |Book 2|Where stories live. Discover now