Chapter 10

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Meliodas pov
Dealing with a pregnant angle is hard it's not like the stories that you hear from the people in the bar, no ITS MUCH WORSE!!! But it's all worth it because in the end there will be a child...I don't even wanna think what childbirth is gonna be like. Anyway, I over-exaggerated because y/n isn't that bad because she just sleeps (a/n if your a guy reading this......Plz don't kill me cause now you get to be a girl and get pregnant but if you don't wanna be a girl then don't blame me...I don't even know why I typed that but I'm just saying if your a guy and all..I'll stop now)
I'm glad that she just sleeps cause otherwise there would be a lot of chocolate...AND I MEAN ALOT OF CHOCOLATE. But otherwise I think that everyone else will be excited to see a little me or y/n running around the only problem is that they are gonna be raised by a half-demon and an angle and with the help of a fairy king, giant, wizard, whatever gowther is (I'm sorry gowther lovers I didn't mean to be mean😖) I'm really nervous cause something bad could happen to the baby but I'm excited cause I just wanna know what the gender is and how many there will be. I never thought about this before but what will the others think about a little baby around and will y/n and I ever stop to just get a house and will the child live as long as us will it be a demon or a angel or both y/n I don't know but we just want our child to live a normal life right now y/n is just sleeping and that's fine by me cause it takes a lot of energy just for an angle to have one child from what I know but y/n would probably know more about this stuff and forget what I said about the chocolate y/n would probably have the craving for my meat pie and Sugar for all I know but I just hope that the baby turns out healthy that's all I want that's all I ever wanted was to have a family with the one I love. I wish that I wasn't so hard to find the last sin just where is he? Oh well, we will just fond him later guess it's time for bed goodnight y/n and little baby.
A/n readers of this book plz don't kill me in sorry😖😭 anyway I haven't been posting a lot and I'm really sorry but it's the middle of school and that's when everything gets crazy and thank you for the baby ideas I will hopefully pick one soon and let you guys know also this is what's needed for the cover to be valid 
And that should be it thx for reading and
PEACE!! ✌️

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