Chapter 8: Restless

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After Daniel and Silver left, I was bored immediately. Michael came up once to bring me another smoothie, and I sensed something was different with him. He barely looked me in the eyes, and when I tried to joke around with him, he didn't even laugh. It was strange...

It was dark outside, but I wasn't tired at all. Just the thought of sleeping again made me restless. The pain had subsided enough to where I could move around more, but my movements were still restricted. Then I realized... I really had to pee.

I shifted uncomfortably, knowing that I wouldn't be able to get up and go to the bathroom. I groaned as the need became more and more pressing unil it felt like my bladder wa about to explode.

I took a deep breath, and then slowly rolled out of the bed. I kept my left leg up off the ground as much as possible as I slowly hopped across the room to my door. I smiled to myself, feeling slightly triumphant, and then opened my door and hopped across the hall into the bathroom.

Peeing had never felt so amazing before; plus the fact that I was actually out of bed made me feel amazingly awesome. Once I finished my... business... I decided that I did not want to go back to my bed, so instead I slowly made my way downstairs where Michael was munching on a bowl of cereal in the dining room.

He glanced up at me and then stood abruplty and came to stand in front of me, giving me a concerned look. "What are you doing?" he asked.

I gently pushed past him, but he put a hand on my stomach, making me stop. My heart leapt a little at his touch, the way it was so strong yet gentle at the same time... I blinked and then looked up at him, locking that odd feeling away. "I refuse to be stuck in bed any longer with nothing to do. So, I came down here to stretch a little and maybe watch some TV," I replied.

He gave me a long look and then shook his head, smiling a little. "I have crutches for you, at least."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah. Make me feel even more like a cripple. I'm just fine hopping around like a fucking rabbit," I said sarcastically.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Is that a yes or a no on the crutches?" he asked.

"It's a 'I'd rather not have ten tons of cast material on my leg right now.' "

He chuckled. "I'll grab the crutches," he said, and then disappeared into the door in the dining room that led to the hangout Daniel, Silver, Sarah, and everyone else used.

I sighed and hobbled over to the dining room table and sat down in the chair across from the one Michael had been sitting in. It was nice to finally get out of my room and be moving around. I hated being confined and restricted. If only I could go running again. Just the thought made my muscles tingle.

The door opened again and Michael stepped out with a pair of metal crutches with spongey places for the underarms and hands. He handed them to me andI stood up again, placing the crutches under my arms. They were the right height and they felt pretty nice. I moved around a little on them, feeling like I was on a mini catapult.

I stopped in the entryway to the dining room and turned around, looking at Michael as I sighed. "How are we going to know when I'm fully healed?" I asked.

He shrugged. "An old friend of mine is a doctor and I scheduled for you to have an X-ray in a couple of days," he replied, pickig up his bowl and then taking it to the sink. He dumped the contents into the sink and then flipped on the garbage disposal. After a few minutes, he switched it off and then stood for a few minutes. His shoulders were stiff with obvious stress and his hands gripped the sides of the sink. I could just see bags under his eyes, and the tired curve of his lips.

I tilted my head sligtly at this, wondering why he would be so stressed. Then my thoughts drifted to when he had found me, at the bottom of the hill, and picked me up. What he had said to me... I know it hurts, Ren. But you'll be fine, love. I promise.

I slowly moved toward him. "Michael...?" I asked in a voice just barely above a whisper.

He glanced up at me, and I saw pain in his eyes, and anger. Not anger towards me, but towards himself. "Yeah?" he asked back.

I wanted to tell him something, but what? I bit my lip and then slowly shook my head, watching his eyes harden until I couldn't see anything in them. He smiled, but I knew it was fake.

"I'll get you set up on the couch," he said, and then walked out of the dining room, just barely brushing past me. I blinked, and then followed him into the living room, ready to finally watch some TV.


Sorry for the short chapter guys... just thought I'd sort of make this one not as long. That and I couldn't figure out where else to go from there x_x anywhoooooo, hope y'all enjoy. Chapter 9 will be coming soon!

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